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*Italics will be flashbacks/book entries*

So JJ lied to me I mean is that really such a bad thing? He was probably doing something personal and so it's all fine. Well..... I mean secrets aren't good in relationships. 

Maybe I should just look at that book Lizzy gave me. What could be the harm?

No I can't I'm sure if he wanted me to know I would know. But then again he did kill my sister. No I can't. 

This little conversion went on with myself for the next hour until finally I decided that maybe looking in the book wouldn't hurt. 

The first half of the notebook was mainly news clippings, headlines, and oddly enough the suicide note of Kyle Brook-which was really short for someone who was ending it all because of a relationship. But the back half of the notebook was when it got interesting. 

These pages were full of recounts that seem to be told from Lizzy's perspective. They were interesting to say the least.


JJ sat by the lake again, watching as Elena Rose got off the bus from school. He's done this every day for the past year. He says that something about Elena fascinates him, but Elisabeth wasn't so sure that was it. She had grown afraid that he was learning too much from his father. 

"J?" Elisabeth sank down beside him. 


"Where's Kyle?" She looked down at JJ's bloody hands, a horrified look passing over her face. 

He shook his head. "Don't worry your pretty head about it, Elisa."  He took her hand. "You're my dearest friend so do me a favor."

"What is it?" Elisabeth inquired.

"Tomorrow when the body comes in for whatever your parents do make sure they believe it was a suicide." JJ said coldly. 

Elisabeth shook her head. "Why?" 

"Because I was tired of his crap." JJ cast a longing glance toward where Elena was now getting into the car with some lacrosse playing airhead. "I don't know why she likes those guys." 

"You're changing the subject." Elisabeth commented. 

"I already answered your ques-"


I slammed the book shut and tossed it to the floor. That was enough of that. 

JJ wasn't a stalker. Surely he hadn't been watching me get dropped off three blocks from home just so my parents couldn't see me get in the car with Alby. 

More importantly he couldn't have killed Kyle the reports all said he killed himself. So why would Lizzy write this stuff. JJ loved his brother a lot, he told me this himself. 

I mean he literally killed Evangeline to avenge his death. None of this makes sense. 

Stashing the notebook under my mattress, I slipped on my shoes and headed out. 

I think right now what I need is to talk to Alby. Maybe he'll know something more. The second person I needed to talk to was Lizzy because it's her fault I'm in this mess in the first place. 

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