chapter fourteen stand up

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   "But.. what if... I can't.. I.. I don't think anyone would want me to come back barnacles.. after everything I've done.. I mean. I've gone too far."

   "Nevertheless they're still talking about how much they regretted their choices, even me."

   "...I see." As he pulled away from the hug

   "What's your answer?" As he held out his hand for a shake to seal the promise

   "I..." as he accepted the offer
   "I. Accept. Captain."

Barnacles smiled and he hugged him again this time shellington hugged back


Shellington folded his last piece of clothing and he moved onto putting things he wanted back into his backpack


   Trackers voice..

Shellington thought as he continued to shut down a few computers and friend finders

Suddenly he was grabbed by his collar and pushed up against a wall

   "Your quitting? What the hell are you out of your mind?!"
   "Like it's any of your business.."
   "Excuse me..? Do you reailze that it was ME who saved you ME who trained you to be what you are, your ocean watcher! If you quit and become a fraud-"

   "They're not frauds! Their the octonauts my friends!''

Tracker grit his teeth having to listen to his shallow speech

   "I only listened to you because I thought that this is what I wanted! I thought-but then captain barnacles made me realize that wasn't the person I wanted to be. People can change, I should've realized that ages ago, and you.."

Tracker only stared at him waiting for what he was going to say

   "Your the fraud here not them."

   Looks like he found me out...

   "Ocean watcher. You have something here if you'd just take it seriously!! You think you can just stand by their side, barely doing anything to help the ocean..WHILE YOU LET THE ENTIRE OCEAN FALL APART?!"

   "SHUT UP" as shellington raised his fist in the air punching him knocking him over completely


And with that shellington then shut off the last computer grabbed his backpack of things he needed and wanted

And left tracker there on the down with his hand on his cheek

Using his domaint hand to push himself up into a sitting position laughing
   "So.. the boy finally learned how to stand up for himself.."

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