c h a p t e r | e l e v e n

Start from the beginning

"Ohh..." Hayden and I vocalise.

"How did you plan on deciding which animal was better?"

I look to Hayden. Hayden looks at me. The two of us shrug at each other, then again at Hunter.

Hunter runs a hand through his mussed-up, dark brown hair, releasing a sigh.

"You know what," he decides, "it's okay. We'll sort it out tomorrow."

"Really?" I say.

"Yeah," Hunter says. "Harv, you go back to bed. Hayden... finish sorting out whatever you planned on doing with that, then head up too."

"Alrighty..." Hayden replies nonchalantly, taking a U-turn and heading back down the stairs, while I exit the hallway and retreat back into my room.

I go to sit on my bed, picking up my phone and bringing it to my ear.

"Hey, Gia. Sorry I took so long. I ran into Hayden— and I'm sure you can imagine how that went." I pause. "Gia?"

In return, I am met with soft snores.

As I pull my phone away, my mouth curves into a small smile.

"So much for an early start," I murmur quietly as I end the call. "Night, Gia."


The next morning, Jay arrives just after the delivery man drops off my terrarium.

The expression on his face is one of pure bewilderment as his stare drifts from the shell-wearing, semi-aquatic animal in my hand, to the tufty-furred mammal in Hayden's. Then from the rabbit hutch by Hayden, to the massive glass terrarium to my right. He looks so utterly confused that I can't help but pity him. There's no straightforward way to explain this.

"IT'S A TURTLEEE!" Harry exclaims with glee, instantly spotting the little green reptile in my arms the moment he runs into the living room.

"Yep," I reply, angling the turtle's front in Harry's direction. "He's cute, isn't he?"

Harry nods in awe. "Harvey, can I pet it?" he asks, cautiously reaching forward.

I crouch a little to help narrow the gap. "Of course you ca—"

"No fraternising or attempts at bribery before the competition" Hayden barks at me, causing me to grudgingly pull away from Harry after shooting him a glare.

"Competition?" Jay asks. "Are you guys going to compete to decide which animal to keep, or do you plan on making the animals compete?"

Jay receives the answer to his question the moment Hunter walks into the living room.

"Okay, so the race track has been set up outside," Hunter says, dusting his hands. "You two go get your pets ready so we can get this over with."

"You're making them race?" Concern is written all over Jay's face. "Seriously, Hayden."

"Jay, chill," Hayden replies, using his free hand to pat his friend's shoulder while stroking his 6 pound rabbit with his other hand. "It'll be okay."

The Uneventful Life of Harvey MacklerWhere stories live. Discover now