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    TARYN HAD NEVER PICTURED SEEING A LIFE END LIKE THIS. She'd seen her mother's death. Her machine forced breath coming to a stop as the monitor flat lined. Her life had become static silent in her head until months after. 

    But what was happening right now, in the home of the Cullen's that she'd learned slowly to trust.. She'd never, ever pictured seeing someone's life end like this. Or almost end. Maybe that was the appropriate term for this situation.

    All she heard before the fact was Bella, murmuring about a paper cut. Then she heard the crashes, the breaking glass, and the savage, animalistic growling of a vampire who had no control over himself in that moment. Jasper's eyes zeroed in on Bella, intending for her days to end right then. He wanted the blood leaking from her finger, the blood in her veins. The blood that kept her body alive. He wanted it all for himself. For the taste, for the scent. It drove him mad. Taryn could see it in his eyes. 

    Taryn heard the panic in the air as she was violently swept from the way, Rosalie wrapping the panicking girl into her cold arms and holding her there, shushing her gently.
    As Jasper moved forward to claim what he was meant to, Bella was pushed back, slamming into the wall. Broken glass from the vases on the side table lodged into her arm and back. Jasper was violently pushed back as well, crashing into the now crumpled piano. 

    As he rushed forward again, he was held captive in the arms of his brother and father figure, hissing and snarling as Alice moved to get in front of him. 

    ❝Jazz, Jazz. Shh, it's okay. It's just a little... blood.❞ She cooed and then paused, turning to look at Bella. Everyone's eyes were on her, some hungry and some controlled. Taryn's, though, were purely fearful. 

     Tears welled up in her eyes as Rosalie held her, stroking the hair of the fragile human in her arms. ❝Taryn, it's gonna be okay, see? They've got it under control.❞ She said softly, pulling the girl slightly out of her embrace so that she could get a better look. 

    ❝Get Jasper out of here.❞ Carlisle spoke, rushing to get to Bella. He covered her arm, keeping some of the blood from pouring out. Everyone still stared at Bella, horror and pain in their eyes. Taryn was unwrapped from Rosalie's hold as she backed herself up against the wall, placing her head in her hands. 

    No human was supposed to go through these things. This was why Taryn was reluctant to meet the Cullen's; or allow Bella to repeatedly put herself into this danger while she stood by and watched. She wasn't sure how she was going to deal with this or how she was going to hide the fact that it happened from everyone. 

    She wasn't used to this lifestyle or the people in it. She was terrified, her body shaking. She was shocked. There were many emotions coursing through her.. She just needed to go away. She knew who she needed. She needed to be home and she needed Embry. 

    But, her needs weren't the most important right then. So, she stayed silent and kept her tears hidden, wiping them from her face. 

    ❝I'm s-sorry, I can't.❞ Alice rushed out, trekking out of the room. Rose followed, pulling Taryn with her. 

HERE FOR NOTHING  ▬ E. CALLWhere stories live. Discover now