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The next morning, the sun peeked through Hyejin's curtains and shone directly on the sleeping two. Jimin was the first to wake up. He wasn't drunk last night, so he vividly remembers every detail of what happened. He looks at Hyejin.

Her arms were wrapped tightly around Jimin's torso, their legs entangled beneath the sheets. Her hair was in her face, so Jimin gently moved it to make sure he didn't wake her. Jimin was once again taken aback by her beauty. She looked so innocently gorgeous while she was asleep, it was hard for him to believe that this was the same person he slept with.

Hyejin shifted in her sleep and eventually opened her eyes. She met Jimin's soft gaze and almost smiled. She can't deny the fact that he's extremely charming and handsome, but she definitely won't tell him that.

"You're still here?" Hyejin asks as she let's go of Jimin and gets out of bed.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because last night is over." She says as she looks in her closet for some clean clothes.

"Hyejin, about that... I... I want to see you again after today."

"I bet you do."

"Hyejin I'm serious."

"I am too, Jimin. Did I not say you'll regret buying me a drink? I said that because I knew you'd fall for me, they all do. And I'm not interested. I'm not like other girls you've probably had, you can't make me fall for you after one night of good sex. That was nothing more than a one night stand."

Jimin sits there. She's like a brick wall, nothing can get through her. Last night with her was amazing, too amazing to just get up and leave. He tried once more.

"Please Hyejin. Give me a chance. I can make you fall in love with me." Jimin pleads.

Hyejin scoffs. "Is that so? Look, I'll give you a week. 7 days. Make me fall in love with you before then, or this is goodbye."

"A week? Only a week?"

"Oh, I guess pretty boy isn't so sure now." Hyejin smirks.

"No, I accept your challenge. By next Saturday you'll be mine."

"Whatever you say. I'm gonna go shower, you can too when I get out."

With that, Hyejin walks into her bathroom and closes the door. Jimin finally gets out of bed and picks up his clothes from last night off of the floor. He wanders around Hyejin's house with his clothes in his hand trying to find the washing machine.

"Hmm... oh, here."

He turns it on, tosses his clothes in, adds soap, and waits. The apartment was silent aside from the low rumble of the washing machine and the distant noise of the running shower. Jimin ventures off to her living room, looking at photos of Hyejin with her friends. He even sees some childhood pictures.

"So cute..." Jimin says with a smile as he picks up a picture.

Eventually he leaves the pictures and explores the rest of her small apartment. The entire vibe of her place is cozy and homey, much different from Jimin's modern minimalist decor. A few minutes later he hears the bathroom door open and he's soon accompanied by Hyejin.

"For the love of God, put on some clothes!" Hyejin exclaims.

"I'm washing them now."

"You're not gonna walk around ass naked until your clothes are done, I have some sweatpants that are too big for me, you should be able to fit them." Hyejin says.

She disappears into her room and comes back moments later with gray jogging pants in her hand. She tosses them to Jimin.

"What about underwear?" He asks.

"What am I, a store? Why would I have men's underwear lying around? You'll just have to let it all hang loose for a while I guess."

Jimin puts on the joggers and sits down on Hyejin's couch. He grabs Hyejin's hand and pulls her down with him.

"I want to get to know you." Jimin says.

"What do you want to know?"

"Where you're from, what you like to do, things like that."

"Well, I'm from Jeonju. I moved here to... start fresh. And what I like to do... hmm... I guess I like singing."

'Start fresh' intrigued Jimin, but he decided not to dig up that subject since they aren't that close yet.

"Can you sing something for me?" Jimin asks instead.

"What do you want to hear?"


Hyejin thinks before deciding on 'Stay' by Rihanna, her favorite artist. Jimin's jaw drops after hearing the first few notes of the chorus leave her mouth. Her voice has the perfect amount of rasp and it's extremely soothing to listen to. The more she sang, the more chills went down Jimin's spine.

"Damn, how are you not a singer?!"

Hyejin chuckles at his comment. Yes, she enjoys singing for people but being famous is a lot of pressure and stress. She'd rather be a little hidden gem.

"Anyways, now it's your turn pretty boy." Hyejin says as she gestures to him.

"Um, okay. I'm from Busan, I moved to Seoul because my parents wanted to be closer to our company instead of managing it from there. And I dance."

"I knew you were rich." Hyejin says.

"How could you tell?" Jimin asks, confused.

"You walked into an average nightclub wearing designer brands from top to bottom."

"Fair enough."

"I bet you've had your fair share of gold digging women in your bed then." Hyejin assumes.

"... Not really, no." Jimin says, his mood clearly began to get worse.

He immediately thought of his ex, how she only wanted his money then turned around and cheated on him when she got it. Hyejin notices his sudden change.

"I'm sorry, did I say something?"

"No, no, I'm fine. I just... thought of something. Someone."

Hyejin nods, putting the pieces together and concluding he's probably talking about his ex girlfriend or something.

"I'm sorry again, I can tell I said something wrong."

"Hyejin it's fine, you're fine. It's my fault, I shouldn't be thinking about her. Especially since I'm here with you, that's not fair to you." Jimin tries to reassure her.

"You say that like we're dating, we're not."

"Not yet. I told you Hyejin, I'm falling for you. And I really want you to feel the same way." He grabs her hand and looks straight into her stunning, dark brown eyes. "I want you."

Hyejin was trying to come up with something to say, anything, but nothing was working. She felt her face heat up as he kept eye contact. There's nothing that she wanted  more at that moment than to kiss him, but she can't. She's already losing at her own game! She has 7 days left to avoid his flirts and charms and she's caving within the first hour.

Jimin slowly leaned into her, wanting to kiss the lips he can't get enough of. The lips that he's become completely addicted to. He pulled her closer by the waist and closed his eyes, anticipating the amazing feeling of her lips on his...


The washing machine. Jimin pulled away disappointed and Hyejin let out a sigh of relief.

"I'll go put the clothes in the dryer..." Hyejin says as she quickly stands and walks out of the living room.

Jimin follows her.

"Hyejin, when my clothes dry and everything, let's go out to eat. Are you hungry?"

Hyejin would be lying if she said she wasn't, food is all she's been thinking about all morning. And declining Jimin with everything wouldn't be fair to their little game.

"Okay let's go. As long as you're paying, pretty boy."

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