
192 12 5


Mature content stories will have a (*) in front of them and LGBTQ+ stories will have a (+).

Judge 1:
1. Wingless by CharnayMarie (*)

2. The lone home by GoldenUnseen

3. The W.A.I.T by LheaRyder (*) (+)

4. Small town gods by papercutsunset (*) (+)

5. How I met Mr. Jinn by RuruCrystal

Judge 2:
6. The witch's lies by tsenatus2020

7. The Dark street by Super_Black_Hole

8. Bugs bite by RaghavBhatia7 (*)

9. Mad mary by ChiddyE01 (*)

10. The eye by CursedHobbit (*) (+)

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