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DEDICATION: BumlinsonArmy bc your name is perfection :')

GIF:  i really really like Zouis, like, brotp much! anyone else? (plus, they're both so incredibly hot like wow)




"Louis, you're being mean."

Louis rolled his eyes at his friend as they walked up and down the supermarket isles, getting food for Niall's movie night because apparently, the blonde forgot and he was too busy to get any before tonight.

"Whatever." He scoffed as he stopped next to the chips and looked at the different flavours. "Hey, which ones was it that Niall wanted us to bring?"

"Don't change the topic." Zayn chastised, standing next to him with his arms crossed.

Louis didn't answer, so Zayn huffed. "Salt and vinegar." He answered.

Louis grabbed two packets off the shelf and threw them in the trolley before continuing down the isle.

"What else did he want us to get?" Louis asked again, making Zayn even more pissed off.

"Louis, stop avoiding the topic!" He exclaimed.

A woman nearby looked up at them, her eyes wide, making Zayn apologize quietly before turning back to Louis.

"What!" Louis snapped and turned around to face him, ignoring the looks they were getting. "What! What do you want me to say!"

"Louis, you're being horrible to him. I know you're my best mate, but Liam's my oldest friend and he's still a good bloke." Zayn chastised.

"I haven't even done anything..." Louis muttered, going back to the trolley to push it around the corner.

"Uh, are you kidding me?" Zayn asked. "For the past week, since he started hanging around with Harry you've been rude and now that they're dating... its not even been one day and he's already complaining about the comments and looks you give him."

"Jesus, this kid mustn't have any balls, one day and he's already told on me..." Louis mumbled again, stopping the trolley next to the sweets. "Which ones did he want?"

"Just get two bags of MnMs and we're done." Zayn snapped.

"Okay, okay." Louis put his arms up in surrender before doing as Zayn said. "Calm down."

"Calm down?" Zayn asked. "I just want you to be civilized around them. They're allowed to be happy, you know, without you giving them hell to pay for simply being together."

He ran a hand over his face as Louis stood there in shock, looking back at his 'best friend'.

"I thought I told you about what happened when Harry came over to talk." Louis said in an eerily calm voice. "I thought I explained to you how he left me there, on the floor with tears falling down my face as he walked out and chose Liam over me. I'm pretty sure I'm allowed to hate the stupid bloke just a little bit for that."

"Louis. You did the same thing to Harry." Zayn pointed out. "I'm not trying to make you feel bad for what you did, but that was exactly how you made Harry feel."

"I-I... I didn't- I m-mean-" Louis stuttered, it suddenly hitting him again.

He knew that he'd gotten a taste of his own medicine, but that didn't make it hurt any less. He still wanted his Harry back so he could apologise and hold him and promise him he'd never hurt him again.

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