Booty Call

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A/N: So this is a much longer chapter than all the others but I think I'm gonna start making them all about this long from now on. Hope you enjoy :)

It was Sunday afternoon and Kellin had spent all day stressing about starting his new job tomorrow. It had been so long since he had a normal job and he couldn't help but feel anxious. After hours of trying to find distractions, he had finally decided to go out for a walk in hopes the fresh air would clear his head a bit. Plus, he hadn't explored Sheffield too much yet.
He spent almost an hour wandering the streets, before a few rain drops fell on him and he decided to head home. By the time he got back it was pouring rain and he was drenched. As he walked up to the door, he reached into his pocket for his key but it was empty. Huh, wrong pocket? He tried all his pockets, but aside from his phone in his jeans, they were all empty. Shit. He'd left his only house key inside his locked house.
Josh had a spare key for the house, so he pulled out his phone and dialed his landlord, praying that he would pick up. After what felt like an eternity, Josh answered, "hey Kellin, what's up? Everything okay?"
Kellin sighed, "um, well actually no. I'm a complete idiot. I've, uh... locked my key in the house and I'm stuck out in the rain. I was, um, just wondering... if you could come over with the spare key?"
Josh sighed, "oh Kellin, you didn't get a spare cut like I told you?"
"Um... I haven't really had time yet. I'm really sorry Josh."
"It's alright, man. Of course I'll come, but it's gonna take me an hour to get there. Is there somewhere undercover you can wait?"
"I'll work something out. Thank you, Josh. And I'll get a spare cut tomorrow."
He hung up and headed for his porch that was mostly undercover. At least he'd be out of the rain. But after only two minutes of standing on his porch, he was shivering. He looked around, trying to think of somewhere warmer to wait, and his eyes stopped on Oli's house next door. Oli had been super nice to him, he was sure he would let him come in and wait there, but was that crossing a line? Oli had done so much for him already, and he felt bad to ask for something else. He thought it over, having a total debate with himself in his head, and decided, fuck it. He sprinted through the rain until he reached the gate to the mansion. He pressed a small buzzer and waited a few seconds, before the gate swung open welcomingly. He ran through and right up to a large wooden door, which was pushed open as he got there, revealing a smirking Oli. "Kellin, is this a booty call?"
Kellin's cheeks flushed bright red, and he fumbled over his explanation, "Um, no. Sorry to, um, bother you, but... I, uh, locked my keys inside and I've gotta wait an hour for my landlord and it's freezing and..."
"Come in, love. It's no problem. And I'm only joking... mostly." He stepped aside and Kellin followed him in to a spacious living room. "You're soaking. Do you want something to change into?"
Kellin looked Oli over. He was tall and he had broad shoulders, so any of his clothes would be too big for the smaller man, but he was freezing so, did it really matter? Plus, he was kind of excited at the idea of wearing Oli's clothes. He nodded shyly and Oli smiled and ran upstairs. A couple of minutes later he ran back down and handed Kellin a pair of sweatpants, a long-sleeved tee and a hoodie. "I'll go make a cup of tea while you change."
Kellin watched him walk into the kitchen and when he was sure he couldn't see him he stripped off his wet clothes. He was wearing skinny jeans, as usual, so they were extra difficult to get off, but he finally did and slipped on the sweatpants. He picked up the tee, but before he had a chance to put it on, Oli walked back into the room with the cups of tea. Kellin turned bright red and fumbled with the top, desperately trying to get it on, while Oli stared at him hungrily, biting his lip. "Are you absolutely sure this isn't a booty call, love?"
Kellin laughed nervously as he slid on the hoodie over the tee and came to sit on the couch, "I'm very sure."
Oli chuckled and sat down next to him, handing him his tea. He held it tight with both hands, warming them up on the hot cup.
"So, you're starting the job tomorrow, yeah? You excited?" Oli asked.
"Um... kinda. But, mostly, I'm terrified." Kellin admitted.
Oli smiled, "don't worry, love, you're gonna do great."
They chatted for a while, laughing and drinking their tea, until Kellin noticed Oli's eyes on him while he wasn't looking. He looked over quickly, and caught him staring, his gaze creeping over Kellin's body, with a look in his eyes that made him squirm. His cheeks heat up and Oli smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, love. It's just... you look so good in my clothes."
Kellin didn't know where his next sentence came from. He'd never been that confident, so it took even him by surprise when he said, "I'd look even better out of them." His eyes went wide and Oli raised one eyebrow.
He leaned in close to Kellin and whispered in his ear, "I'd like to test that theory." His breath sent shivers through Kellin, who leaned his whole body in closer to Oli's and whispered back, "well then let's."
Oli wasted no time in pushing Kellin onto his back and hovering over him. He leaned down and hovered his face over Kellin's, only an inch away. His body was so close, teasing him with the thought of contact. Kellin couldn't take it any longer. He reached his head up and pressed his lips to Oli's. Oli kissed back hungrily, licking his lip and sliding his tongue into his mouth. His tattooed hand grabbed a fistful of his still-wet hair and tugged it gently, and Kellin felt his body tingle, as he began to grow hard. Oli tasted so sweet, and he worked magic with his tongue, making Kellin melt. And then, he ground his hips down, rubbing his own hard dick against Kellin's, making the smaller man break from the kiss to moan loudly.
Oli lifted himself up, and grabbed the hems of both the hoodie and the tee, sliding them both up over Kellin's head and tossing them across the room, before laying him back down and connecting his lips with his neck.
He moved his mouth over Kellin's neck, collarbone, chest - his hands gliding over his skin. His gentle lips worked their way down, lingering on his nipples, then continuing down to his stomach, and to the hem of his pants. Kellin gasped, and breathed out, "okay... you were right." Oli momentarily stopped kissing only to look at him questioningly. "This is a booty call."
Oli chuckled and then returned to kissing Kellin's stomach, as his hands gripped his pants waistband and pushed them down, freeing his hard dick.
Oli let out a little growl, before grabbing it and taking just the tip into his mouth, swirling his tongue over it, then lowering his head down slowly, taking more and more of Kellin. He began to bob his head slowly, eventually letting his dick hit the back of his throat, and Kellin turned into a moaning mess. He held onto the couch, trying to grab handfuls of the fabric, clenching his fists.
"Ooooh fuck... Oli!" He arched his back in pleasure, and felt the tension in his lower abdomen growing. He was so close.
And then his phone rang, startling them both. Oli removed his mouth to say, "ignore it", and god, Kellin wanted to, but he knew it would be Josh. With a groan, he pushed Oli off and grabbed his phone - yep, it was Josh.
"Hey Kells, I'm out the front, where are you?"
Kellin had to try so hard not to sound too out of breath, "I'll be right there."
He looked at Oli apologetically as he pulled up his pants and went to retrieve his tops. He slid them back on and looked down at his pants. Good, the over-sized jumper covered his hard-on perfectly.
"Thanks so much for the clothes and the tea and... well, you know. I'm sorry I have to rush off. I'll talk to you tomorrow?"
Oli sighed, "it's alright, love. Good luck with work tomorrow, I'll talk to you after."
He stood up from the couch to walk Kellin to the door, but just before he opened it, he grabbed Kellin and pressed their lips together once more, for a short but heated kiss. Then he opened the door, and waved at Kellin as he ran back off to meet Josh in his driveway.
Josh ended up staying for dinner and catching up, and a few hours later Kellin was heading up to bed. He checked his phone, to see a message from hours ago.

Oli: Your theory was absolutely correct btw ;)

Kellin smiled and climbed into bed, still wearing Oli's clothes. They smelled like him.

Fresh Start ~ KoliTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon