chapter four

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"This way", he told me, motioning to a path which was leading to the sea promenade. I loved the noise the gravel made under our shoes. We arrived at the beginning of the promenade, which started right next to the restaurant.

"This is so beautiful, Lewis", I said, looking at the sunset which was mirroring on the surface of the sea.

"It like it here, too"

Some gulls were sitting on the slight waves which were running out on the shore, putting their heads in the water from time to time, probably searching for food. We were still in sight of the restaurants garden, the wind was carrying the noises attenuated over to us. It was getting darker from minute to minute now, and after we've walked maybe 500 meters, it was nearly completely dark. But it was a light night, and the stars and the streetlights provided us with enough light to see everything. We didn't really talk, we both didn't want to disturb the peaceful silence. I took a deep breath, taking everything around me in, to remember it when I was sitting in school again in a few days. I felt so unbelievably free and safe and happy, here with Lewis. I don't remember why, but I let go of his hand and just ran a few meters ahead, opening my arms, looking in the sky and feeling good. I waited for Lewis to catch up, but he didn't, so I turned around.

"Lewis?" I asked. He just stood there, a few meters behind me. His mouth slightly opened, his eyes completely focused on me.

"I can't believe how beautiful you are, April.", he said, still staring at me, his voice a little raspier than usual.

"Thank you", I said, looking at the floor. I always get shy when he compliments me. And this time...he sounded so...serious. Normally, he's never completely serious, even when we're discussing important things or when we're in an actually serious situation.

When I felt him coming nearer, I looked up. His eyes were looking straight into mine, full of warmth and... fondness? He stopped walking right in front of me, holding the eye contact. His hands found my waist. "Can...err...can I", he started, now looking to the side. "...kiss you?"

Did he...He just asked me if he could kiss me, right? It took my brain a few moments to get what he just said. Apparently, I stared at him a bit too long before responding, because he got insecure. „Only...if you want to, I mean...we don't have..."

"Yes", I interrupted him.


"Yes." I repeated.

We just stand there, nobody said something. It wasn't awkward, though. It was just really really beautiful.

Then, he made one last step in my direction, put his hand under my chin and made me face him directly. His face got nearer, and I think that was when my brain actually checked what was going to happen. Excitement was flooding through my whole body. Suddenly I got a bit afraid. What if I messed it up? How do you even kiss? It's not like this was my first kiss, but what if I did something wrong?

"Close your eyes, okay?", Lewis whispered, his mouth only centimetres away from mine, his eyes focused on my mouth. I closed them, feeling Lewis breath on my lips now, to the point where our lips were nearly touching, but only nearly. We stayed like this for a bit, we both didn't dare to move. Then, he kissed me. Just like this. And it felt heavenly. His soft, warm lips lingered on mine, and there was nothing else on my mind than him. Just him. His breath was mixing with mine, his hand which was under my chin was cupping my cheek now, his thumb caressing it, his hand on my waist was trying to pull me closer even though our bodies were already touching.

He ended the kiss after some seconds, but I didn't open my eyes. I felt like I was in my own little world. With Lewis. Our own Little world. And I didn't ever want to leave. So, I just leaned forward, kissing him back, intertwining my hands in his neck.

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