Chapter One

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They all sat in the sound-proofed room quietly, eagerly waiting for the golden moment. The lawyer checked his watch and announced the time but they can't start without him. They've been waiting for 40 minutes, but there's no sign of him.
"Can we start already?", Theresa said and Montserrat tapped her and she shifted, "why must everyone be here for the will to be read?", she said,
"We can't start without everybody present, its...what your mother requested", the lawyer said and everywhere was silent again.
Ten minutes more, the door opened and he walked in and sat quietly, ignoring everybody.
His grandmother had died and left a will. Mrs. Gloria Rose McGregor was a rich woman from a rich family and married into a rich family. She was wealthy. She had a five-star rated company with branches all over the world. Her family has a legacy which never wavers. She was a woman who loved family and tried to maintain hers, but somehow her family wasn't what she wanted it to be. Partly her fault she would agree.
She wanted a home filled with people, she wanted to see children playing around, she wanted to hear their laughter fill the hall ways, but it was only a dream. She had remarried for that same purpose but that wasn't the solution either.
From her first marriage she had three children and two from her second, making it five children. Two of her children from her first marriage died leaving one child each. The third child, from her first marriage, never married.
For her second marriage, she had two girls, one married into a rich family but wasn't able to have a child, so she adopted one. The second child is a writer, married a writer and lives a quiet life. In summary, she had five children of which two is dead, three grandchildren, one was adopted.
They were all present in the room waiting for the will to be read, they've waited for so long and finally, the day has come.
But Mrs. Gloria had a plan which she hoped, really hoped, would work and bring her family together.
They all sat quietly as the lawyer opened his brief case and brought out some documents. He wet his fingers with saliva and flipped through some pages.
From the right of the lawyer, who was sitting on the head chair, is Seth McGregor, an arrogant, willful and business minded billionaire. The first grandchild and only grandson.
By his right is Tricia McGregor, a model and actress, top of her class, the second grandchild.
Then Faith McKinley, the writer, the last born of Mrs. Gloria, from her second marriage. Beside her is her husband.
Maria McGregor, former plastic surgeon, the third child, single.
Theresa Diego, an event planner/designer, the fourth child, by her side is Montserrat Diego, the adopted granddaughter and third grandchild.
The lawyer began.
They braced themselves as the lawyer mentioned their names and relation to Mrs. McGregor. Next, he mentioned the list of Mrs. Gloria's shares and properties.
After hours of intensely listening, it came to the main reason why they were really there, what they have been waiting for. Some sat up while some gripped the edge of their sits in excitement and nervousness.
"According to late Mrs. Gloria Rose McGregor, God rest her soul", he said for the hundredth time, "she said here in her will", he touched his eyeglasses to see clearly, "...she said here in her will that her properties and shares will go to her great grandchildren-", he paused as they all turned in surprise, as he expected them to react,
"what?! What do you mean?", Tricia asked,
Theresa sat up and grabbed the will from the lawyer, she scanned through it furiously, but couldn't say anything when she noticed her mother's hand writing and her red seal down the document.
"sorry ma'am", the lawyer said taking the document from her,
"so...", the lawyer continued, "her properties and shares will go to her great, grand-children and if by the time I die, that is she dies", he cleared his throat and continued, "-and I have no great grand-children, after eighteen months, let my shares and properties be given to the orphanages, schools and care homes. I only wanted my dreams to come true even when I am dead, I just wanted a full home. Seth...", the lawyer looked at them,
"Seth", his eyes met with Seth's, he continued,
"Seth, you're a bright young man, filled with vigor, business minded but my dear, work is not everything, maybe you should consider getting yourself a wife and making a happy family. It would really make me happy and your father too.
Maria, my dear, you have the heart of your father, you never open up to anyone, not even to your own mother, why not try and open up to someone, someone who's willing to listen, dear.
Tricia, dear Tricia, money is not exactly everything, you're nothing like your late mother, she turned your arrogant father, my son, to somebody whom I was proud of, try looking around you, welcome the people around you and maybe you'll be really accepted. Fame shouldn't be your everything. Family is everything.
Theresa, strong like a man, am proud of you but not what you've become, maybe it's time you mend your ways and live with truth.
And my darling Faith, dear, I have no grudges against you, I know too well that you're still young, but there might be someone out there waiting for you, you have a wonderful husband, why not settle down and create a wonderful home. You are not exempted, I expect a grandchild from you soon.
My children and grandchildren, there's nothing I want more than a happy family. If I don't have it while am alive, I want to make it happen when I am dead. Don't resent me too much. I made my mistakes and that includes my inability to be a mother to my children but I don't want my children to make the same mistakes I've made. Tell my great grand-children that I love them so much, stay happy, farewell my dear family", he stopped.
"is that all?", Tricia asked looking around the room, not believing how the long-awaited moment turned into a nightmare
"for now, yes. Till the next...eighteen months".
The room was dead silent. They all sat there, staring at each other, a lot going on in their mind. They expected a lot, they have made plans. The room was awkwardly silent, then Faith suddenly started sobbing on her husband's shoulder.
Theresa and her daughter stood up and left first, then Tricia and the others. Faith left last with her husband and the lawyer.
They all felt disappointed, most of them had tried most of their lives to impress her, but they were all betrayed. They couldn't make any claims that the will could've been tampered with, because they know their mother and it is something she could do. Not getting what they expected is not the only problem, not the only thing that scares them, it is their secrets.
Could she have known? It's not possible? She wouldn't have known?
Maria sat quietly in her car, she wondered if her mom knew anything, she watched Tricia walk angrily to her car and drove off. She took deep breaths, steadied herself and took off.
Tricia felt it was the end of the line. She's been modelling all her life, she never believed she'd outgrow it at age thirty-four, she's been saving her face with the inheritance, but she received a slap across the face. How the hell is she going to make a baby in 18 months?!
Does it even make sense!
She drove to the roadside and held her trembling hands together, trying to catch her breath. She inhaled and exhaled till her hands stopped trembling.
"I'm not giving up, not yet", she said and drove off.

Theresa and her daughter, on their side, thought they had it worse. She'd lost her company through her gambling husband, who is the black sheep of the family. They were counted off the family's inheritance after his death, despite his being the eldest son, their last hope of starting again was her mother's inheritance.
Seth had it different. He's a man who had only one goal, he sets his priorities and makes sure he follows them. He's wealthy enough, but he admired his grandmother, she was his role model to be powerful, to control the financial world, to have them under his feet. If he could get his hands on the inheritance, it will boost his stand in the financial world, it will take him further across the globe. He could take over the companies his grandmother has in other countries, imagine where that could take him, his dreams will come true. But what now, great grandchildren?
He thought as he crossed his leg.
If he could inherit it all or at least half of it, he would be one of the richest man in the world, he bit his lips as he felt the thrill, the rush of excitement.
What the fuck was she thinking?!
He thought, trying to remember the last time he saw his grandmother. Although at 90, she was still strong and clear minded. She had raised him, he was with her till her last moments, why make things so complicated, he had proved himself worthy. The truth? he expected his grandmother to leave more for him.
He stood up and stared out through his office window.
Tricia couldn't possibly do it, Maria is not married, Montserrat is adopted and Faith, no she won't be a bit interested. Then I'll be left to inherit it all, how will I do it?
He rubbed his head trying to get his thoughts together, he needs to think of a plan, or something, anything.
If he adopts a child, they'll look down on him, he was going to go against the adopted Montserrat, so he shouldn't give them a chance to push him out.
He left the office for the bar to meet his friend. Liam has been his friend since childhood and now a business partner, he inherited five starred hotels across the globe, he has a rich background, yet he is a lawyer.
Seth told him what happened, he needed a quick solution,
"well, your grandma is something else, what you gon' do?", Liam asked,
"does it look like I fucking know?",
"so, the inheritance is made for your children, men it's funny", he said chuckling,
"how you gon' make a baby in... or you want to have a baby mama?", he said with a frown looking at him,
"you know that's never gonna happen", Seth said taking another gulp from his drink.
"then what? I mean what's done is done, you can't change a dead woman's will and she made it clear what will happen if you don't meet her demand, so", he said shrugging,
"I don't know men, I need this, I don't know why she made this so complicated",
"well, she stated why, she knew you barely hang out or have fun, your life is tight and she's just trying to make it easy for you. She knew you would do anything to get the inheritance",
"what are you trying to say?",
"okay, see, I have possible solutions for you. One, it's either you get a wife, get her pregnant and done, very legit, or you get a baby mama, still legit, or you adopt a child, not very good, or you get a surrogate mother, good and legit, you decide",
Seth shake his tumbler while he stared at his friend.
"I can't get married", he said,
"Obviously, but why not?",
"men you know that's not my thing, I don't need it", he said not liking how he sounded, Liam laughed,
"well see who needs it now", they chatted about it but he got nothing from it.
When he got home he thought about the options Liam gave him. He can't get married, he's never had anything to do with a lady. Well he had things to do with one back in the days but that was then, that wasn't him, he's never been interested in ladies or who they are or what they do, he didn't even get to know his mum, they shouldn't exist at all.
Unless they have a part of his grandmother he likes.
He shoved the thought away for the next option. He can't possibly have a baby mama, what's the difference? Then it will be all over the news and papers, no shit.
And he can't adopt a child.
Surrogate? Whatever that is, to hell with it, he's not doing it.
He threw the glass of wine he was holding, that's how his brain feels. Its exploding. Why would his grandmother do this to him?
He sat on his bed, for the hundredth thought. He took his laptop and searched for what Surrogacy means and the processes. Three things caught his interest.
First, he doesn't have to stress himself over it. Secondly, the child would have his own DNA. Thirdly, he only have to pay the surrogate and take his child.
How easy can it be?
That same night he texted Liam to help him find a surrogate.

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