The Adventure begans

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"Why in the name of Ganon are you still here!" Green shouted staring down his three companions. Though they traveled together for some time, he was glad to be getting rid of them, or so he had thought. The other three, Red, Blue, and Violet, either smirked, giggled or glared back at him. Green was now officially ticked.

"What's the matter Green? Did your plan of getting rid of us not go as planned?" Violet asked coldly as he picked a piece of lint of his Tunic. "Yeah! Thought you could get ride of me huh? Well guess what! I'm more of a hero than you will ever be Hah ha sucker!!!" Shouted Blue, jumping up and down, almost knocking little Red over. "Hey... calm down Blue!" Red squeaked.

Green and Violet both rolled their eyes in synch and grumbled at the situation. Zelda than cleared her throat and Green turned to her, giving her his full attention.

"Link... Green Link, maybe you didn't put it in hard enough?" She exclaimed giving him a doubtful but optimistic smile. "Yeah, maybe" He sighed, taking the sword out and re-trying. He closed his eyes as he slowly, but with quick precision, slammed the sword, once again, into the stone. He opened one eye and... The other three watched him with joyful faces.

"IM FREEEEEEE!" Shouted Red happily. He began to dance around and hop from one clover patch to another in happiness. Green smirked and thought about how cute he looked.

"Well... maybe we can go find someone to help us figure out what went wrong?" Zelda asked looking worried. "Or maybe..." she began but stopped. "Or maybe what?" Green asked. "Or maybe you have unfinished business. Maybe the Four Swords are needed on one more quest?"

"Yaay!" Shouted Red jumping onto Blues back. "Im so happy!" He continued saying as he cuddled up on Blue, who was giving a face that said if he didnt get off soon he was going to regret it. "Your creeping me out Red" Blue screached trying to claw him off. "Sowwy" Red sighed jumping of his back.

"What kind of quest?" Violet sighed. He was starting to realy hate the others. 'I miss dark link'.

Just then, Darklink popped out of Greens shadow. "Hey guys." He chuckled. "Thought you got rid of me too didnt you Green?" He exclaimed while wrapping his arm around Violets shoulder.

Green glared at the two. He than glanced at Red attacking a creeped out Blue and sighed in defeate. 'Im forever alone' He thought.

"Zelda!" A soldier called. Zelda looked back before shouting "One second!" And turned to the Links. "Well i must be going back to the Castle. Be carful, whatever you do!" She exclaimed before pecking Green on the cheak and running toward the gaurds waiting for her.

Green Turned to the other four and shook his head. "Looks like im stuck with these... things a while longer." He grumbeld and quickly began walking away, not even bothering to call out to them. 'Let them figure it out on their own.' He thought, grumbuling about the situation.

It took Violet a minute, but when he noticed Green walking away he took Red and Darks hand and followed Green.

They walked for what seemed like hours before stumbuling onto a... Sixth Link? Green grouned inward.

He was wearing a White tunic and he had blue striped on his cheak. His eyes wear completly white. He was glaring at them.

"Fierce Deity?!?" Green shouted suprised.

Deity grunted and looked over each of the links, he had come to tell Green about some very important news, but had forgoten about when laying eyes on another glairing hero.

"Who in the name of nayru is that!" H, Blue, semi grunted/shouted.

"This is a old friend of mine... Feirce Deity. We worked together in Tarmania some time back."

Feirce Deity continued stairing at Blue, whom staired back. They glaired for a while, than for the first time in Greens life he saw Deity smile.

"I just came out here to let you know about something really important... but i forgot what it was..." Deity said, looking off into the clouds.

Blue, who usualy was more interested in woman, couldnt take his eyes of Deity.

"Well until you remember what it is you can travel with us." Green exclaimed, he had a devilish plan now, and it involved all the links.

While they walked and talked Green continued to think up his plan and how it would work. Noticing Blue and Deitys closeness, the peices finally fell together.

His plan was simple. When Red notices Blue only likes Deity and Red cant have violet and Darkness, He would come crawling back to Green. It was fool prof.

Violet noticed one thing the others didnt. They were walking in circles in the middle of uncharted forestry. He also could tell by the look on Darkness's face that he as well noticed.

"Were walking in circles." He finaly noted outloud for all the Links to hear.

"WHAT!" Blue screached like a banchie. Deity grabbed a hold of him, preventing him from pouncing on Green, whom was deep in thought.

"Thats okay!" A voice chimed in from the brush.

"I can help you. All you have to do is pull me from this cage" the voice exclaimed.

Green looked around in the foilage until he found a Pumkin in a cage.

"ITS A TALKING PUMKIN!" Green shouted, jumping up and down.

"Oh no no silly green boy by the name of Link. I am Sir. Jack O'lantern. And i was put into this cage by lady sweet tooth. Otherwise known as the Great Fairy." The pumkin exclaimed.

He was a bright orange pumkin with two glowing eyes and a jagged tooth mouth. His long cone nose and everything else was carved into his round body. Violet had a bad feeling about him, but hoped to the goddesses that Green wasnt that stupid.

Green let the pumkin out and he began hopping about. "Thank you oh thank you my dear boy." He giggled. "But you are terribly daft." He continued. Before he finished Green took out a pocket knife and began stabbing him.

"What the actual fuck!" Blue screached, Red fainted and Dark laughed. Vio and Deity watched in horror as the scene unfolded before them.

"What? A mans gatta eat" he exclaimed, giggling and shoving food into his mouth.

Just as he shoved the last of the pumpkin into his mouth a black shadow emerged from Greens nostrals. His eyes opend wide. They were now the size of golf balls as the shadow grew arms legs and glowing red orbs for eyes. "Helloooo" Its voice wisperd echoing off the forestry.

"H-hah-hah-hi" Green squeeked.

"Thanks for letting me out of that cage and pumpkin. For helping me ill reward you for your kindness hero." It chuckled ghastly. "Oh and by the by, the names slith!"

All the Links worlds began to fade and Violet, whom lasted the longest, last vision of Hyrule for a long while was a purple portal opening up and swallowing them whole.



1) The song, I ship it, is there to support my pairing of Red and Green.
Here are my zelda ships (if you didnt guess by now)

Yeah yeah i know. The first and last are crack ships but you know what? My book my rules! :3

2) Please comment and vote to let me know what you think. I will try to update once a week aswell. If i dont its cuz im working on cosplay or grounded.

Mkay biey

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