Yeri hesitated a little. "I can't tell you everything, Unnie. That's her personal business. All I can say is that your case is the first divorce case she's handled in over two years. She steered clear of every other case."


"That is something that you have to ask her."

Jennie stopped to think. "Was she divorced?"

Yeri grinned. "Lisa unnie? Divorced? Wait, to get divorced you need to get married." She started to laugh out loud. "Lisa unnie? Married?!" She kept laughing. "That would be a sight to behold." She imagined her unnie in a wedding dress and almost felt the cake in her stomach going up again. She quickly tried to control her laughter. "Sorry, Unnie." Yeri wiped a tear. "It's just so funny to imagine Lisa unnie in a wedding dress."

"Why? She's pretty."

"She is. She just doesn't ever want to get married. I don't think she even believes in love anymore." Yeri drank from her glass to calm herself down. "The last time I saw her in a serious relationship was..." She paused to think. "When was that... last year? No, definitely not last year. Two years ago? Was she already a partner then? Oh. Yep. Two years ago. I think it was right after she was made partner."

Jennie raised her eyebrows. "That's quite a while ago."

"Yep. And even then, it only lasted a few months. She's just not the settling down type."

"Why? I'm sure she has a lot of suitors."

"That she does. But most just gave up. The ones who didn't would get dumped after a few months." Yeri stopped herself. "I should stop right there. I'm making Lisa unnie sound like a player."

"You're not, don't worry."

"She's not like that, Unnie. Please don't get the wrong idea."

"I won't, Yeri." Jennie reassured Yeri. "From the way she talked to me, I can't help but think that something happened to her that made her that way."

"What do you mean?"

Jennie shrugged. "How she said that unexpected bad events would happen and that we should learn to move on and let go... Stuff like that."

"That sounds like Lisa unnie alright."

"What exactly happened?"

Yeri tilted her head, observing the very curious Jennie. "Why are you so curious, pUnnie?"

Jennie was caught off guard by the straightforward question. "I-I'm not curious. I just thought that since she's my lawyer and all... I think I should know whether she's trustworthy or not."

"You're a businesswoman, Unnie. A pro. You know that what happens in your personal life should not affect your work. The same goes for Lisa unnie. I know you trust her professionally regardless of what she tells you or doesn't tell you about her private life." Yeri slightly furrowed her brows. "Why are you so curious?"

Jennie gulped. Yeri was too sharp for her. "I guess I'm simply just curious."

Yeri sat back and crossed her arms. Her expression remained the same. She observed Jennie for a few seconds, making the latter feel uncomfortable under her gaze.

"You don't have to answer me, Yeri," Jennie finally said. "I was just asking."

"I know you're Jisoo unnie's long time best friend, Unnie. And from what I've heard and seen, I know that you're a good person." Yeri took a deep breath. "Let's just say Lisa unnie had seen a lot and went through enough to make her skeptical about the whole concept of love and marriage."

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