"Stop flirting with her."

"I was just being nice and helpful!"

Lisa rolled her eyes and kept walking towards her office. "You, Kim Yeri, tediously checking a long list of names and addresses and sealing envelopes?" She pushed the door open. "You can't even sit still for more than twenty minutes."

"Fine. You got me. She's cute." Yeri threw herself down on one of the chairs.

"She doesn't like girls."

"People can change, Unnie. Have faith in humanity, please!"

Lisa sat down on her chair and pulled some papers out of her drawer.

Yeri slouched in her seat.

"Why are you dressed like a bum?" Lisa started going through the list of names in front of her.

"This is a sporty look, Unnie. People dress like this to exercise. You'd know if you would go to the gym with me once in a while."

"I prefer outdoor sports."

"You mean walking along the river like every other ahjumma in this country?"

"Hey! You know I hike mountains too!" Lisa looked up from her papers.

"Yes I do, Ahjumma." Yeri stuck out her tongue. "Anyway, one of his previous affairs happens to be with his ex‐personal trainer."

"Ah. You went to see her?"



Yeri shrugged. "It's the same as almost every other woman I've met so far. He didn't beat around the bush. He went straight to the bedroom... or wherever it is they could do it at."

Lisa sighed. "I might need to upgrade him again and add 'hole' to the end of that word..." She muttered under breath.


"Oh nothing." Lisa leaned back in her chair. "So you've met with the maid, the nurse, the writer and now the personal trainer? Which one is she?"

Yeri took the list from Lisa's desk. "This one." She pointed at a name. "Jung Namhee."

Lisa took the list back and ticked the name. "I can't believe he had actually slept with all these women. And their occupations make it sound like very bad porn."

Yeri laughed. "I know what you mean. The maid at home, the nurse he happened to meet at the hospital he was admitted to, the writer he was working with on his show and his personal trainer." She shuddered. "What is he? Some sex-obsessed psycho?"

"I wish it were that simple." Lisa stood up and grabbed her bag. "It would've been a lot less painful for my client." She walked around the desk. "Let's go then. Time to meet the actress."


She put the last framed photograph into the large cardboard box and sealed it shut with the duct tape. She pasted the strips of adhesive over and over again as if she was trying to make sure that the contents would never leave the box.

She stood up, grabbed the wine glass from the small table and drank half of it in one go.

She kicked the box before stepping over it and sat down on the couch. She lifted her feet unto the coffee table and sat staring into space.

She was too numb and too mentally exhausted to even think of anything.

She took another sip, not stopping until she had drained all its contents. She was about to set the glass on the small table next to her when her phone rang.

Burden of ProofWhere stories live. Discover now