Part Two

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"HEY, sweetie. Are you all set?" Hayley appeared by the doorframe of Hope Mikaelson's bedroom, wearing her usual top and bottom clothing, holding a bundle of red roses. She was checking up on Hope who's currently having Freya fix her hair and looking at her by the mirror.

Hope stood up slowly, eyeing her dress and then looking at her mom and Aunt Freya. "What do you think?"

Looking at her elegance in that dress made Hayley smile. She wore a simple satin long-sleeved black dress that flowed freely just below her knee. Her auburn hair is tied up in a french bun just like Freya's.

"You look perfect," Hayley smiled. 

Hope smiled back at that. They are going to visit someone who... fancies art, as her mom said. That's why in a quick moment, she gathered the 10 by 14 sized canvas on her hand where the image of Miss McDreamy was painted. 

"Do you think she will like it?" She asked, showing her mom the portrait of a girl with blonde hair and green eyes that is smiling very beautifully. Hope decided to pick this one because it meant something for her. It was more than a painting-- it was an actual dream come true. 

She has been dreaming of this girl since she was little and only by this year did it happen to be finished. This may not be the most exquisite in all of her artworks but since Hayley told her that this person they're visiting admires art, then surely she will look more into the story behind it than how it was done.

"She will love it, sweetheart."

The three of them walked downstairs and there came Vincent and Josh, waiting with their usual outfit. Only Hope and Freya wore matching outfits because it's kind of an Auntie-Niece thing. Anyhow, Hayley told Hope that they were going somewhere, they are meeting someone very special.

Hope as Hope, of course asked who are they visiting but her mom refused to answer, only that it was an old friend and used to take care of her as a baby. She didn't have any more questions after that and started getting dressed. 

Hayley and Freya are in awe of Hope being a lady already. She knows how to dress up and all the beauty that's been passed on her is currently hitting her body like a meteor shower. Hope has Hayley's extensive facial features but has Klaus' eyes, Rebekah's attitude, Kol's intelligence, and Freya's craftiness. She's naughty and kind at the same time which reminded them of Elijah. 

But the way Hope speaks and looks deeply into somebody's soul, acts with kindness in her heart and works with curiosity in her head reminded them of someone else.

Someone... very special indeed.

Josh and Vincent led the way and in a matter of minutes, Hope found herself walking in the gates of Lafayette Cemetery.

Her eyes wandered all around the place as if it was the first time she ever got here. But what makes her more curious is the look on everyone's faces. Why didn't they tell her they were going to visit someone dead? And why now?

They suddenly stopped walking, in front of an apartment type tomb surrounded by blindfolded angel statues. She took a glimpse at the headstones and all of the surnames there spelt "O'Connell"

No one was making their move, making Hope more confused. Not until Hayley knelt in front of the lowermost headstone and placed the bouquet of red roses there. 

Freya turned to Hope and gave her a comforting smile as she touched her back gently. "You remember the story of the Beastly King and his servant girl?"

Six years ago

"You know, I've been thinking how my little girl is never going to know you. It's not fair.. considering everything you did for her dad. You know sometimes I can't stand him, but I always figured if he liked you, he couldn't be that bad. This family owes you, you deserved better."

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