Icky Stump (Stripes in the Colour of White)

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I want to be the boy that warms your Mother’s heart

Yet, a public-schooled, broken doll stitched together with malcontent

That is all she could see as from her pompous ass she never moved from the start 

Oh, I wanted to be the boy that warmed your Mother’s heart, 

but pride and prejudice that strong shall never be bent.

Well, it is true that we love one another

Unlike Republican mathematics, You and I added up correct.

But for you, Love was in conflict with Mother

You raised prim, proper and polite how could you oppose her direct.

Passive Manipulation

Fits of tears, ad hominems on a slippery slope

You were caught in the ropes of her guilty contraption. 

Each day, our love, became you and I with less and less hope.

I think I smell a rat

Was it your Mother or you who wanted that?

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 10, 2012 ⏰

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