I Tried to Pass for Nothing, but my Dreams Gave me Away

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  • Dedicated to The Pompous Asses (you can smell your kind)

Let me live in a Wes Anderson world

characters eccentric, paint-brushed landscapes and the music coiled

But the door is jammed, underfoot is a sign; Do Not Enter

back to The Bovines, Sheep and other spineless character without moral center

Again thrown back with the same old, the same old.

Into the masses where the few are bold

the bold are mocked, ridiculed and derided as "Fools, Idiots," they're told

These masses claim to need no lead, they need no mentor

Even as the institutions of church, state and education crumble, new idea are anarchy; chaos

Give me a Wes Anderson afterworld

where the herds don't latch onto Coach, Burberry or Kate Spade like it is gold

Here, what finally matters,  words, actions and the crux of character

Each must have their unique adventure, not forming a lemming line to the almighty Creditor

for The Bovines, The Sheep and all their ilk, wake the fuck up, before you ruin it for the rest of us.

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