At The Zoo

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After clothing all the boys and giving them granola bars to eat for breakfast, Namjoon was in the car following the directions on his phone to get to the zoo. 

"Daddy me no like this." Tae spit out the bar from his mouth.

"If you finish that bar, I'll get you popcorn and cotton candy at the zoo." Namjoon bribed.

He went against Jin's orders of no sweet treats and junk food at the zoo, but he needed the boys to listen to him.

"Okay Daddy!!!" Chimmy was muching on the bar very slowly.

Namjoon looked at the through the mirror in the car and saw his forehead.

"No." Namjoon's eyes widened.

"Damn it Jimin!!!!" Namjoon scowled. There was sharpie scribbles all over his forehead.

He was in such a rush for the boys that he didn't notice until now.

"I'm sawrry Daddy." Jimin started to cry.

That woke Jungkook up from his carseat and now he started to cry.

"No. Jimin it's fine." Namjoon tried to make it all stop.

"Oh Jin, I need now more than ever."

Namjoon pulled into the zoo parking lot.

"$5!!!" Namjoon gasped.

"That's right, sir." A worker said in the most monotone voice he'd ever heard.

"W-What do you think I'm made of money?? $5 an hour???"

"Yes, sir. That's the regulations, sir." 

"Okay...Denny." Namjoon read the nametag of the guy.

Namjoon whipped out his wallet and put the $5 in the worker's hand. "Put it to good use."

"Thank you, sir."

Namjoon parked the car and got all of them out.

"Ummm, field trip for the kindergarten class....teacher name...damn it....what's the teacher's name????" Namjoon was trying to speak.

"You mean over there?" The worker behind the register pointed to Yoongi and Hobi run to a group of classmates.

"Yes that one. $5 per child and $10 per adult."

"Um.. you see here, this was a field trip that my two boys were supposed to go I think this is all supposed to be covered." Namjoon said.

"Sorry, sir. You have to pay for who your brought sir." 

"Damn it." Namjoon cursed again. "wait a minute...aren't kids under 5 allowed to be free?"

"Not according to our policy, sir."

"This is rigged. Life is rigged." He said adjusting Jungkook in the baby bjorn on his chest.

Jimin and Tae were in the stroller.

"That's Tae and Jimin, $10 and me $10 equals $20." He handed the cashier a 20 dollar bill.

"And..." The cashier motioned to the baby.

"You're kidding. You're telling me that I have to pay for my 7 month child to go to the zoo???" Namjoon exclaimed in anger and astonishment.

"Yes, sir."

"Come on dude!!! You're holding up the line!!!" Someone from the line shouted.

"Is no one seeing this injustice here???" Namjoon was angry.

"Finally." Namjoon took a big exhale out.

"Congratulations. You finally made it. At noon." The teacher pulled down her glasses a little bit.

"There was a minor setback." Namjoon explained.

She still looked at him unbelieving.

"A few minor setbacks." 

"I can see that." She looked at Namjoon's scribbled forhead.

"Well, now we're on our lunch break. Here's the brochure and we've been following the exhibits in order."

"Oh no we missed the lions!!" Namjoon held his face. "The big cats are Yoongi's favorite."

"Oh Yoonji and Hobi saw the big cats along with us. While you were in line paying." She gave a disapproving look.

"It's Yoongi. Not Yoonji."

"Right." She walked away.

"Let's go get some lunch boys." Namjoon walked over to the sandwhich line while holding Tae and Jimin's hands.

"Um. This is closed for the kindergarten class only." The teacher stepped in.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Lee, but i've been through a lot to get here so I'm going to have my sandwich." Namjoon talked back to her.

"Is this really the example you want to set for your kids?" She stuck out her leg, sassy-like.

"Don't you tell me what's right for MY kids." Namjoon raised his voice at Mrs. Lee.

"Come on boys, I paid for this zoo visit and I'm going to get my money's worth. All $30 of it."

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