To-Go Bag

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"And what do we put in the To-Go bag?"

"Umm..snacks, diapers, ummm...and sippy cups??" Namjoon guessed from what he's seen Jin pull out of the bag before.

"Namjoon, you're missing quite a few things here.." Jin folded his arms awaiting the rest of the response.

"Uhhhh..." Namjoon had to think of something fast. He needed to make this look believable so that Jin could hop on the plane tomorrow.

Jin is a work at home mother, of five children.

Yoongi, Hobi, Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook.

Or as Jin likes to call the three little ones: Tae, Jimie, and Kookie.

The've been planning for weeks for Jin to take this job interview in Seoul.

They currently live in Busan and there is a job opening in Seoul for a promotion.

Jin has been on the rails about choosing whether to take this new job opportunity.

He just didn't want to leave the kids.

When it was announced the only the interview will take place in Seoul and the job would remain here in Busan, Jin knew he needed to take it.

"Diapers and..."

"You already said diapers." Jin looked straight into Namjoon's eyes.

"Uhhh...." He continued.

"What goes with diapers? Wipes right?" Jin said.

"Oh yeah!! Wipes!!!" Namjoon's face lit up.

"Ugh, maybe I shouldn't do this. I-I can wait another time.. I can try to..." Jin was starting to panic.

"Jin." Namjoon grabbed Jin's shoulders. "You can do this. We've prepared for you to do this."

"I know I can do it. I just don't think you can do it." Jin said doubtfully.

"I got this." 

"I don't think you're ready." Jin said slightly.

"That doesn't matter. I will be ready." Namjoon said hopefully.

"Look, Namjoon I trust you..." Jin started.

"I know you do. That's why I won't let you down." Jin watched the stars in Namjoon eyes as he said that. 

"Ok." Jin nodded. "But don't make me regret this."

"I won't." Namjoon smiled.

"Oh god, I wish there wasn't a field trip for Yoongi and Hobi the DAY that I fly out." Jin rubbed his temples.

"Don't worry. I got this." Namjoon reassured Jin.

Jin smiled slightly.

"Now what do we pack in the To-Go bag?"  Jin smiled eerily.

"Snacks, diapers, sippy cups, and wipes." Namjoon asserted confidently.

"Oh Namjoon, you still have ways to go." Jin smiled before giving his husband a hug.

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