LoveSick/Chapter 4

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Kagome's POV:

As I strolled through the quaint village, the warm rays of the setting sun painting the cobblestone streets in hues of gold, I felt a sense of tranquility wash over me. The gentle chatter of the villagers echoed through the air, creating a harmonious symphony that filled my heart with warmth. Amidst the hustle and bustle, a thought crossed my mind – I would gather a bouquet of healing herbs to comfort those unwell.

With a newfound purpose, I ventured into the lush meadows that bordered the village. The tall grass swayed gently in the breeze, revealing a vibrant tapestry of wildflowers and aromatic herbs. I carefully selected each herb, considering its medicinal properties and the ailments it could soothe. The pungent scent of thyme filled the air, promising relief for sore throats and coughs. The delicate petals of chamomile, known for their calming effects, would bring solace to those troubled by anxiety. I gathered bundles of lavender, its sweet fragrance believed to promote restful sleep, and rosemary sprigs, which enhanced memory and concentration.

As I continued my leisurely walk, an unexpected sound broke the serenity of the forest. It was a voice calling out my name. "Kagome!" The voice echoed through the trees, growing louder as it drew nearer. I turned around to find Rin, her youthful face flushed with excitement as she ran towards me.

"Yes, Rin?" I questioned, curious as to the reason for her enthusiastic approach.

"I was wondering if you..." Rin hesitated, her words seeming to catch in her throat. "If you what?" I prompted gently, sensing her reluctance.

"If we can go see Lord Sesshomaru," Rin finally blurted out, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. I couldn't help but smile at her eagerness. After all, who could resist the allure of the enigmatic and powerful Lord Sesshomaru?

"Sure, why not?" I readily agreed, finding myself just as curious to see the mighty lord as Rin was. With that, Rin took off, her tiny feet swiftly carrying her toward Sesshomaru's hut. I followed behind, my mind filled with excitement and nervousness.

As we entered the hut, my eyes were immediately drawn to the figure of Lord Sesshomaru. He sat in a relaxed posture, his hands resting within the folds of his elegant kimono and his eyes closed in meditation. His countenance exuded an aura of tranquility and strength, an air of nobility enveloping him like a cloak.

As I approached, his gaze slowly opened, his amber eyes meeting mine in a piercing stare. Time seemed to stand still momentarily as our gazes locked, an unspoken connection forming between us. It was a brief but intense exchange, and I was captivated by the depths of his gaze.

However, our intense eye contact was interrupted by Rin, who excitedly announced that today was her birthday. The atmosphere in the hut shifted as Lord Sesshomaru turned his attention to Rin, a gentle smile gracing his usually stoic features. "Oh, Rin! Happy birthday," I exclaimed, unable to contain my delight at witnessing such a tender moment between them.

Rin's smile was as bright and refreshing as a summer day, and for a moment, the weight of the world seemed to dissolve away.

I carefully measured and mixed the ingredients, my fingers dancing precisely as I prepared Rin's beloved meal. The aroma of simmering broth and fragrant herbs filled the air, creating an inviting atmosphere in the humble abode.

Lost in my culinary endeavors, I was oblivious to the presence behind me until a deep, masculine voice shattered the serene silence.

"Do what pleasure do I owe you, Lord Sesshomaru?" I inquired, my heart suddenly pounding in my chest.

"Hn," he replied with his characteristic brevity, his golden eyes piercing through me. "Your heart flutters, yet you remain still, Miko."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a maelstrom of emotions. Memories of our encounter at the serene lake and the vivid dream that haunted my slumber flashed through my mind.

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