A n t i c i p a t i o n

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*Above is the brace James wears*

"Jay, you're going to the fair this year, right?"

I turn my attention to Gale who's putting some groceries in the fridge. We have a schedule where we take turns getting food for the week. "I haven't really thought about it, but probably. I mean I always do."

"Maybe we could make it a double date. Crystal and Lia could get to know each other. Maybe she'll like her more than she likes me."

"She doesn't dislike you, she just hasn't gotten to know you yet. She hasn't gotten comfortable."

Gale shuts the fridge and comes over to sit on the recliner. "Yeah, sure. What are we watching?"

"Men in Black."

"Cool," Gale says. He leans the chair back so the leg part shoots out and I already know he'll be asleep in the next fifteen minutes.



"Yes?" I say, turning to face Lia. We're chilling in my room because we had been catching up on work, but I finished mine before her so I was waiting for her to get done.

"I'm bored," she says as she crawls from her spot on the bed so that she can lay her legs over mine.

"You finished?"

"Finished? I've been done I thought you were finishing."

"I was waiting on you!" I say, shaking my head.

"Well, we just wasted our time," she shrugs. I watch as she closes her laptop and stacks it on top of her books. "You know what I've been thinking about?" She turns back to me and looks at my chest instead of my eyes, which I've realized means she's probably about to say something bold.

"What have you been thinking about, Lia?"

"What it would be like..."

"To...?" I encourage. I put my hand under her chin and tilt her head up so she's making eye contact with me. "What it would be like to what?"

"To... to kiss someone," she finishes. She tries to look away, but I move my head so I'm in her line of sight.

"To kiss someone? Just anyone? Wow, that hurts," I tease.

She laughs. "To kiss you."

I want to kiss her in that moment so badly, but something stops me. "That would be your first kiss, right?"

She nods, humming in agreement.

"Then I have to make it special. Trust me, it's coming soon." I already have a plan in mind, but first I have to make sure it's even possible. "You know, I keep forgetting to ask. The fair opens in a few days and me and Gale always go. We were thinking of making it a double date this year."

"I love fairs, especially at night when they're all lit up. I'm down."

"Cool. I'll let him know and we'll see what days good for all of us."

"I hope you like rides," she says, laying her head on my chest.

"Oh, I get on all the rides. None of them scare me."

"Mhm, we'll see about that."


We all ended up being free the day the fair opens, which I personally think is the best day to go. That, or the day it ends. We've decided to go at about 5 so that we'll be there into the night. Right now it's 4 and I don't know how I should dress.

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