Chapter 23 : Intimidation tactics

Start from the beginning

"I'll give you everything you want!" he shouted. 

"My offer expires in three minutes. Tell us what are his plans."

"Plans?" he blinked. "What plans?"

"Two minutes." I said, not even bothering to look at him. "Just remember, the recent defectors didn't suffer the same fate as you would deserve if we don't get the answers we need."

"No! I don't know what plans!"

"Intel tells us a different story, you have been very close with Han Ki Nam. Two minutes and thirty seconds."

"Yes, yes we're close but not anymore." I turned to face him, the dog tags swinging in midair. "I know nothing about the nuclear weapons plan I swear! I handle the transactions only!"

"You're smart but not there yet. Two minutes fifteen seconds."

"You want the transactions? I'll tell you! Don't send me there!"

"We linked the attacks, you ordered my kidnapping to find them. Why? The journals that he stole from you?"

"Han Ki Nam wanted them dead! They didn't know about you!"

"Two minutes and counting." I said. "Who owns this account?"

"Nobody but me! I swear!"

"I should slap another sentence on you. June 25, what have you done?"

"Oh no, you found out."

"Man, I'd say that you came close to killing Senior Special Agents Black Bird and Andy Duncan. Andy and I know that you're behind this. Your agents tracked him down and somehow bugged his clothes, you identified us as the agents who questioned him that fateful day. You know that he will dole out the assassination plot, you overheard our entire conversation. And guess what? You have no qualms in taking out anyone associated with defectors. That agent put up a fight to kill us both and he would be if not for Ryan. You paid the mercs to break into the White House, blow up the Secretary's office like clockwork, like you knew that I will be passing by."

"How did you-?"

"We captured some of them, wounded but alive. Guess what? The Sparrow hired us to kill the President, one of them said."

"Oh no, oh no..." he mumbled to himself. 

"It's funny, considering the fact that we traced the account to North Korea and not a citizen in the nation. You're willing to pay to do your dirty work, you have figurative blood on your hands. You screwed the United States, big time."

"I don't want to kill them!"

"Then why you did?!" I asked. "They wanted to have a better life, and you ordered their deaths."

"I don't have a choice."

"This is your last chance. Tell us the truth, or you will be living out the rest of your life in a federal prison."

"I know that the former American President had sold plutonium to Han Ki Nam, I'm just a middle man, nobody tells me where it's from."

"Your body language hinted more secrets." I pointed out. "You still know something that we don't."

"Yes, I was behind the weapons trade to Africa."

"What about Somalia? A dirty bomb exploded in the capital, guess who did it? The rebel group."

"I don't sell dirty bombs."

"Who are your partners? We know that you run the largest spy ring in North Korea."

"Just me."

"It's fine if you refuse to. We have your laptop."

"The leader has at least five thousand stock piles of nuclear weapons including ICBMs, bombs and SAMs." 

"What about Japan, Hawaii and South Korea?"

"It's my doing."

"People died, you murderer. You killed the seamen onboard the navy destroyer, because of you and his twisted attempt to murder them who are your undoing."

"I regret that."

"You can't bring them back because of being regret." I said. "Kim Moon Dae, you are under arrest for your involvement in the murder and kidnapping of your own people who seek refuge in the United States of America. You have the right to remain silent and everything you have said will be used against you in court." Two FBI agents entered the room as I relayed to him his Miranda Rights and the agents handcuffed him once his zip-ties were removed. "Everything you have said during the interrogation will be recorded as evidence." I followed the agents outside as a helicopter landed on the grass lawn nearby. The door slides aside and both men escorted Kim into the helicopter and under the watchful eye of the Secret Service, departed towards the direction of Washington DC. I still have some agents I can trust within the agency as a former colleague and two of them are piloting the said helicopter while the two who took him away worked for Carey. The wind formed because of the aircraft taking off lifted my hair as well, allowing me to breath in more fresh air. I watched as the aircraft disappear into the horizon and returned to the bunker.

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