I stiffened up when the boy mentioned what happened between me and Nayeon the previous day. In all honesty, I didn't know why I became that aggressive. Maybe I was angry, or feeling bad for Dahyun, or just simply using that as an excuse to finally beat up that brat once and for all. How would I explain all of that to a kid that I just met?

It was simple. Don't tell him at all.

I rolled my eyes and returned to the badass version of myself. The version that I used to make people scared of me. The version of me that hid the fact that I was really just a weak teenager that let all her anger out on innocent people, then blamed it on them later.

"That's none of your concern, kid. Now get lost before I do the same to you."

With that I left the boy without any explanation on what happened that day.


After I finally escaped the annoying kid, I stood in front of the school waiting for Dahyun so I could walk her home.

I wore my mask and hat once again, so that none of the other students would recognize me.

The bell rang, a loud echoing pitch that signalled that the students were free at last from the prison.

I waited ever so patiently for people to come out of the brick building, and once they finally did, I hung my head down low.

Almost a hundred kids came out all at once, talking and chatting amongst themselves loudly.

I scanned the crowd for the Dahyun, avoiding the student's gazes. The black haired girl was no where to be seen.

Until I did eventually find her, walking alone behind the wave of people, in her blue and grey uniform.

There she is!

Even though I was straight, I had to admit that Dahyun looked adorable with that uniform, and her long silky black hair pinned back with silver hair clips and her fox eyes looking directly at the ground as she walked.

I shook my head out of my thoughts and back into reality.

I dashed between students and around the groups of loud people to make my way to her, still keeping myself quiet as I grew near to her.

When I finally got close enough to her, I grabbed her wrist and started to pull her away from the students, making her jump.

"Yah! Who are you!?" she yelled, tugging away from me. "Let go of me!"

But I didn't. I didn't even think she knew that it was me. I kept dragging her as she cursed at me from behind, tugging lightly at hand that gripped her wrist. She was just as weak as the young boy from earlier, so it wasn't a hassle eventually pulling her to an area behind a wall that wasn't crowded with students.

"Let go, let go, let go!" Dahyun chanted over and over again. "I'll get a teacher if you don't!"

Finally I let go of her wrist and took off my hat and mask. Dahyun stopped freaking out once she saw it was me, but her eyes widened in surprise.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?" she asked. "I thought you weren't supposed to be here-"

"Hey! Keep it down! If I get caught like this the principal will kick my ass, so try and be quiet!" I quickly interrupted her, before anyone could hear us.

Dahyun just stared for a second, before nodding slowly.

"Ok, but what on earth are you doing here? Do you know how much trouble you could get in if someone catches you?" she whispered.

I sighed. "Didn't you get my text from earlier?"

Dahyun tilted her head and gave a confused look, before she finally knew what I was talking about.

"A text? You know that we aren't aloud our phones in school, (Y/N)." she said.

I rolled my eyes. "And yet you texted me when you were in class a few hours ago. Don't think I didn't get it."

"Hey, I needed to send you that!" she smiled, hitting my arm lightly.

I felt relieved that Dahyun wasn't too upset about yesterday, and that she still smiled the way she always did, as if nothing ever happened.

"Well, anyways, I'm here to walk you home." I said out of the blue.

"H-huh?" Dahyun exclaimed, her eyes widened in shock once again.

"I told you in that text, but you never responded. I don't feel comfortable with Momo and Chaeyoung still being here after what happened yesterday, so I just-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Dahyun's arms wrapped around me, giving me a warm, affectionate hug.

No one ever hugged me like that, even my mother who raised me for my seventeen years of living. A sweet, loving hug that I never received in my life came from the girl who I used to think of as weird, now made me understand how much I cared about her as a friend.

I stood there awkwardly, not saying a word before Dahyun finally pulled away after a minute.

Still holding my shoulders, Dahyun smiled sweetly at me.

"Thank you, (Y/N). You are the best person I have ever met in my whole life." she said, softly.

I stared at Dahyun, shocked at her sudden affection towards me. She let go of my arms and pointed a slender, pale finger towards the nearby neighbourhood.

"Well, what are you just standing there for? Let's go~!" she exclaimed.

Dahyun linked her arm with mine and started walking down the sidewalk, cheerfully humming a tune.

I was so glad that she was happy.

—[end of chapter four]

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