Upon meeting you

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"Entrapta! Stop touching that thing, your gonna get us killed!" Whisper yelled perfuma. She grabbed my gloves hand and pulled me along. I slipped out of the glove and saw a vent leading into the horde. Just big enough for me to go inside, I thought. I unscrewed the vent and pulled it shut when I crawled inside. Just as I did so two horde members marched past in sync. I crawled in the vents past dust, spiders, and cobwebs. I did find a really cool pen though.

I came upon a vent and peeked in it was one of the teams. Looks like they had a successful practice mission based on how they were cheering maybe- and at that moment the vent gave way and I fell through tumbling to the ground. When I looked up I had a taser, two guns, and a scrawny blonde boy looking at my face. "Ah!" I screamed. "State your name, and why you are here." Said the girl with the brown pony tail. "Oh I'm Entrapta I was with the princesses until I wanted to explore for really cool tech and-" I was cut off. "Wait, wait, your with the princesses?" Said the brunette. "Well yeah. Do you have any first one tech?"

"Take her to hordak, he'll know what to do with her." The girl said. The lizard nodded and threw me over his shoulder. "Oh wow this place looks a lot different upside down." I note. The lizard just sighs. After a couple of minutes we come across a door a really fancy one. I let my hand glide down the design. Wow it's so intricate. The lizard opens the door and throws me on the floor and the door closed shut. I turn around and look up to see it's the leader of the horde. "You look familiar...aren't you...oh I know you! Your the guy the princesses supposed to defeat!"

"What are you doing here." Hordak spoke. "Oh I'm princess Entrapta you know the tech princess? Well no one really pays attention to me but I was helping the other princesses on their mission." She said. "Princesses?" A evil idea came to hordak's mind. He was going to use her as a bargaining chip. He chained her wrists up to the wall just to make sure he could have his eye on the princess. Powerful creatures they are. As hordak lost himself in thought Entrapta's hair undid her cuffs as the portal that had first one tech caught her eye.

Loud noise drew hordak from his thought as he saw her tinkering with his portal. "Stop!" He growled out snatching her away from it. He cuffed her again this time tightening it even further. He went back to the portal and looked to see what damage she had done. He felt a pig tail on his shoulder which surprised him. He thought how did she get out of those cuffs again?

He grunted in disapproval and moved her back into the cuffs. "Oh, I get it I'm a prisoner." Hordak wanted to smack himself in the face. "Yes, Entrapta your a prisoner." He tied the cuffs back. Then all of the sudden her eyes grew big her hair undid her cuffs quickly. She raced back over to the portal her hands barley brushed the first one gem before he pulled her pack by her waist. "Do not touch anything in here." Hordak growler out. "But so much unexplored knowledge, so many possibilities, so many creations!" Entrapta let her mind wonder with thoughts and Hordak took this time to study her.

"What is this...I know its combined with first one tech but what are you creating...from the looks of it it's a pretty large power source." She mumbled the last part in thought to herself. "Correct, but that's none of your concern." Hordak declares in a stern voice. "Mhm...I see...your wires need updated maybe something like this....yes, yes exactly like this and if we remove the old wires and delicately-" and again Entrapta was cut off. "I told you not to touch anything. Get out!" He yelled.

"Wait, I can tell it's a portal...yes a portal...but it won't work like this...won't you let me fix it please! Please! Just take Emily for example, she was a bunch of scrap metal, hot wires, and screws before she was Emily. Oh and hey you brought me my glove!" She said putting the glove on that Emily had retrieved. He sighed. "If you break so much as one thing there will be dire consequences, but first you will start with a few bots see if you can program their attacking abilities and advance our weapons. But they must also prove useful in battle as well, and say you do all of these thing then you will prove yourself to make small adjustments to the portal." Hordak spoke with a deeper and stern tone.

"Yeah ha ha ha! You won't regret it. I promise!" She said letting her hair sprint over to the door. Hordak grimaced and ran his hand down his face not knowing if this was going to turn out terrible. "Oh, wait am I a prisoner?" She suddenly gasped. "Do I have a room!?" Entrapta looked at him with glimmering hopeful eyes. "Fine, you may have a storage room to perform your tasks in." He spoke unsure as to why he was being so loose with this girl.

"Okay great! I'll ask one of those guards to help me find it! Come on Emily!" She ran out the door with her boy following right behind. He was not sure what would happen from here but he hadn't made much progress on the portal in months and she was his best shot as of now and her work so far proved useful and was advanced. He had never met someone beside himself and horde prime who had the ability to combine first one's tech and modern tech.

She understood it so well and did things so quickly and accurately that he might admit she new a thing or two more than him in that field and that's exactly why he decided to let her help him.

Yas my first chapter of this book complete! Also I finished watching season 5 and I was so upset that there wasn't much action like but 30 seconds out of the whole season between Hordak and Entrapta so I had to make it to soothe myself and other readers. 😌

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