The Really Large Mansion

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Bam's POV

A week has passed since camp, and I had gotten even closer with Khun and Rak after that. I avoided Rachel as much as possible, and I'm sure she did the same. Nobody spoke of the rumor anymore, which was a good thing.

But good things don't last long.

"OH CRAP, FINALS ARE COMING UP," Endorsi groaned.

"What's your rank on the last term?" I asked.

"I didn't even make it on top ten in this class," she mumbled.

"What about you, Rak?" I said, turning to Rak.

"You don't need to know, turtle," he huffed.

"He probably got the last in class," Khun teased, leaning back on his chair. Rak tried to punch him, but was held back by Hatz.

"How about you, Khun?" I questioned.

"I got first place in both class and entire grade," he said, sticking his tongue out to Rak, which pissed him off more.

"Wow!" I smiled. "Who got second?"

"Probably Hwaryun or something," Shibisu said, joining our conversation. "I was ranked fourth! I'm aiming for top three for the finals this time."

"I was ranked twelfth place in class," Hatz said. "I'm not that good at studying."

"Now I'm nervous," I said, biting my lip. "I've never really taken an exam before."

"I can help you study if you want," Khun suggested, giving me a small smile. 

"Blue Turtle! No fair! Help me too!" Rak hollered.

"Khun, help me too! I really need the help," Endorsi said.

"I'll like some help too," Hatz spoke.

"LET'S ALL GO TO YOUR PLACE AFTER SCHOOL TODAY!" Shibisu cheered. "It's the weekend tomorrow, so we get to go home anyway!"

Khun turned around. "Wait, what? I didn't even say you can-"

"Thanks, Khun! We'll see you later," Shibisu grinned then walked off with Hatz. Endorsi gave him a thumbs up then also left.

Khun sighed then covered his face and groaned.

Nobody's POV

As Khun walked out of the school gates with Bam, he could hear footsteps behind him. He groaned then turned around to see Rak, Endorsi, Shibisu, and Hatz following them.

"What the hell? Are you guys lost or something?" Khun grumbled. "I only invited Bam-"


"Come on, Khun! Think of how much our class average can improve if you help them!" Bam exclaimed.

Khun stared at him then gave in. He turned back to the stalkers. "Fine. Come quickly before I change my mind."

They took the train then got off together. Everyone happily chatted and teased each other. Bam couldn't help but smile.

"Hey! I recognize this street," Shibisu said as they followed Khun. "There's this really large mansion across this street that I walk past every time I come here!"

They walked a little more then stopped when Khun stopped.

"We're here," Khun announced. Shibisu found himself standing in front of the really large mansion he was mentioning just a few seconds ago.


"I don't brag about myself," Khun said then gave Endorsi a smirk. "Unlike someone I know."

As they followed Khun into the large house, they all stared in awe as he leads them to his room. It was big, tidy, and very clean.

"How can you even live in such a big house?" Hatz asked.

"I... have a pretty big family," Khun murmured.

"Humph. My house's bigger. Impressive, though," Endorsi scoffed.

"Okay, let's get started," Khun said as they all sat down in a circle with a table in front of them. "What subjects do you guys need help on the most?"

"Science for me," Bam said. "It can be kind of confusing."

"Math and English for sure," Hatz said.

"I need help with history," Shibisu said.

"I need help with both science and math too," Endorsi nodded.

"Help me with all, Blue Turtle!" Rak demanded.

"Okay, okay. Did you guys take any notes?" Khun asked. "I don't take any notes in class- because I basically already got what the teachers are teaching- but I'll like to see what you guys wrote in class."

"I took a lot," Bam smiled proudly. He showed him his neat handwriting and organized notebook.

"Well, I took some," Shibisu shrugged.

Khun stared at the others and they all shook their heads. They are all helpless..., Khun thought.

He first started off explaining what they were learning in science. Everyone got it except for Rak, but he moved on to math anyway.

"Blue Turtle! What's nine plus three?" Rak asked.

"Four thousand and seventy-two," Khun replied sarcastically, not even looking at him.

"But I thought it's ninety-three! You add them together, right?"

"Yeah, my bad. It's ninety-three," Khun dramatically nodded.

"Rak... it's twelve," Bam said, slightly laughing.

When it was almost seven, they basically covered most of science and math.

"We should go now. Thanks for helping us," Endorsi said. "I better get home soon or Yuri nd Anaak would start thinking I'm going out with some guy."

"Thanks, Earrings," Hatz said, giving Khun a nod.

"I made up my mind," Khun said, stopping everyone from leaving. "I'll help you guys for the finals two weeks later. I'll make sure no one fails, and every one of you will be within the top fifty in the entire grade."

"Wow, just a few hours ago you were glaring at us and shooing us away," Shibisu said.

"Consider it as a favor. Plus, teaching you idiots refreshes my own mind too. The only one that's actually catching up is Bam so far."

"Wow! You aren't so bad after all, Blue Turtle! Can I really make it to top fifty in the entire grade??" Rak asked excitedly.

"I'm sure the others can make it... but you'll need some more work," Khun said as he nodded.

"Are you calling me dumb?!"

"At least you can figure that out."

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