02 | Petal

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I wandered in the rain, with every drop I felt my head hang lower, 

where I was going I had no idea

was this the path that you wanted me to take, was this the right decision

questioning every step my chest felt heavy, my hands stained in the essence of flowing life, I didn't like looking at them

disturbing to the sight

nobody around, not a single life force could I sense,

it was lonely Hiro,

as I kept walking I felt prick after prick hit my bare feet, I didn't want to look down, id know what I would see already, I know what was there, but I didn't want to acknowledge it yet, it was numbing

this feeling, wasn't like a feeling, more or less like a lack of a feeling? confusing I guess, how can I explain something that I don't quite understand myself

something attacked, it wasn't a person I would have sensed them, but yet it covered my vision, I didn't fight back as I fell down on my back, a direct hit I would say, a sharp pain rushed up and down my spine, how hurtful

I reached for the thing blocking my vision to find a piece of paper, why was a piece of paper all the way out here in the desert I wonder, my eyes followed the words as little by little it continued to dampen in the harsh rainstorm

'hunter exam, sign-ups out now'

where did this sound familiar? hunters? I've heard of those before I think, I can't quite recall all that well, my mind to fuzzy, maybe that's what hiro wanted? but how could I be sure? I don't know what hiro would have wanted and the moon isn't out yet so there was no way of asking him. maybe I should just try it, maybe ill find something worthwhile there

I found my way to my feet and began walking again, paper in hand my chest weighed me down, I don't have enough time do I hiro? was there enough time to do this? would I be able to fulfill what you wanted? what did you want hiro, I still can't understand you in this world or the next.


I stood in a boat as the winds crashed and burned, the waves were angry I think? how did I get here again? I can't seem to remember anything more, I remember I'm heading somewhere, I don't know where though, people rushed out of the cabin all frantically pulling some ropes? what were they doing? why were they so scared? should I be scared too?

"Hey, you there what are you doing standing their arent you going to help?"

someone yelled at me, I looked at them and they seemed to flinch? why were they scared? I wasn't going to hurt them, I think, was it something behind me. Gazing behind me I only found the edge and some water. So they were talking to me I guess, should I help? how do you help in this situation again? I guess ill just pull the rope to then. I crept over to the end of the rope and picked it up, the texture was rough and sandy, it was kinda weird to touch but I got a good grip.

everyone was pulling so I guess I should do what there doing I suppose, I tugged at the rope but the big white sail came down and everyone on my rope went flying, did I do too much? did I mess up? but I just did what everyone else was doing. The whispers crept as most of them seemed to look around. did I do something wrong? I thought I was helping.

I stared at my hand before hearing an ear wretched scream, who was that? why were they screaming, it was too loud, I turned my head just in time to see a small boy leaping off the side, idiot, doesn't he know that the sea is angry right now? it's not a particularly good time to go swimming in my opinion.

two others grabbed onto his legs as they seemed to pull him back up, why were they struggling? he didn't look that heavy? were they really that lacking in arm strength or some bit of the sorts? how strange were people these days, hiro I wonder if your questioning things as much as I am right now?

With a final pull they pulled the boy up but there was another man with the boy, was that what they called a magic trick? I wonder how that worked, don't you have to clap after a magic trick? standing awkwardly I played with the edge of my sweater, when did I get a sweater again? meh it's not that important I suppose, but still curious I scanned over. it was beige but it was dirty, covered some red spots and torn in others. It kinda looked like splatter paint, pretty.

" hey you helped get the sail down, thanks for the help"

someone spoke, I turned my head to find no one, looking forward I found the magic trick boy, he was staring at me with his mouth in a curved position, behind him stood the two others that helped him with the magic trick, were they magicians on a trip somewhere? how interesting.

I pressed my finger against his cheek, he seemed to squint with his eyes, those eyes, I never noticed until now. But they look familiar, in a way it seems like I've seen them before, hiro do you remember? could you answer my questions for me? I'm too confused too much to know the answers

"Uhm hey you don't look too much older than me, so let's be friends okay!"

he grinned, it reminded me of someone, who thought I can't remember much, it's weird but it's like it's at the back of my brain, I don't remember, but do I want to remember? what if it's bad or unpleasant, I don't like unpleasant things. I nodded apparently because he grabbed my hand and ran over to the two dragging me along with him, he seems strong.

"This is leorio and kurapika their heading to the hunter exam with me, oh I forgot are you heading there too? you just seemed to have a lot of power, and you don't quite look like your a sailor here"

he laughed but it was different from a joke laugh, I couldn't tell what it was, it hurt my brain too much to think about stuff like that so I only responded with another nod, hiro would understand, maybe this boy can understand to

"oh ya my names gon freecs nice to meet you!"

he held out his hand, freecs,freecs,freecs,free-FREECS


ging, who was ging? I can't seem to remember my brain hurts, why ging? ging is a weird thing? what was a ging? was ging an object or a ren power? was it a person? was it an object?

"do you know ging? do you know where he is?"

he got close to my face, did I do something? why was he so excited over that name? was it something important to him? did he lose it, that's not good, was he searching for it? was he like me? was he searching for something? but what was a ging? Does he seem to be a person? I think, my brain hurts, I touched my forehead and winced a little, brains overload a lot don't they, why do we have brains? they short circuit a lot. it's like an old rusty machine. shaking my head, I couldn't answer him, I don't even know why the word ging popped into my head

he backed away and sighed before smiling again, his hands on his waist I stared at the three of them, they looked more unusual than most, how weird.

"aw well, figured that'd be too easy"

he chuckled and I kept staring, the green-haired boy seemed overly happy, he reminded me of hiro, how strange, maybe he was hiro in disguise, no that would be impossible, but-, hiro was one to play practical jokes. So let's not rule out the possibility so fast

"what's your name?"

he smiled more, he smiles a lot, how interesting, name, a name is something you call someone, what did people call me again? I can't remember all that well, it's lost to me. well what did hiro call me, I can kinda remember a little, but I don't remember much, let's see what's the first name that comes to mind, 


whose voice was that? I opened my mouth and i felt my throat scratch, but was that my voice? it was scratchy and weird, I don't remember my voice being like that, the three seemed to smile as gon held his hand out to me

" welcome to the group Asuka"

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