"So they're sailors?" 

"They prefer the term pirates, but they're not bad people. They only go after people who do wrong, like cargo vessels harbouring slaves or stolen goods. Most of their crew are ex-slaves they saved from the ships they raided." Kirishima gleamed, the grin on his face indicated how proud he was of his friends. "I was actually one of those people they saved, back when Bakugou was sailing with them. That's how we met." His face became wistful as he relived the memory. "We were pretty young back then, I was only just learning how to properly shift into my dragon from when I got snagged by hunters. That's how I got this!" He grinned, boastfully pointing the scar above his right eye.

"You were captured?" (Y/n)'s eyes went round and she stared at the red-haired boy in horror. Kirishima let out a small huff and rolled his eyes like it was no big deal. He crossed his arms behind his head as he continued walking down the streets.

The water on the ground had begun to rise slightly, now lapping at the edge of (Y/n)'s feet. She cringed and flicked the water off her sandal, only to place it back down and become soaked again. Silently, she apologised to Kendo for ruining her beautiful shoes. A cold shiver ran down her arms as a cold gust of wind blew in from the sea. Kirishima bit his lip as he stared at the cold girl, feeling a little sheepish. 

"We should get you some new clothes before we set sail. I wonder if Mina has any in your size, if not we're going to have to buy some." He pondered to himself, placing his thumb and forefinger on his chin in thought.

"Mina?" (Y/n) questioned, tilting her head slightly. Kirishima's head snapped up quickly and he put a smile back on his face. 

"She's one of the pirates we're looking for, the captain of the ship. Mina is a part dragon and part nymph, so you'll know exactly who she is when you meet her!"

(Y/n) had heard about nymphs in the books she had read back at home. They could take on the appearance of any creature they desired, including humans, so nobody knew what they really looked like.

"What about your other friends?" 

"Well, there's three of them, Mina, Sero, and Denki," Kirishima explained, watching Bakugou push through people in front of them who responded by cowering away or aggressively bowing their heads. "Sero is a human who used to train with ex-assassins, so he's pretty agile and good with a sword, Denki, however, is an elemental mage-"

"Really?" (Y/n) interrupted him, excitement filling her eyes, "What kind?" 

Kirishima smiled at her child-like burst of energy, "A lightning mage, and he's wicked strong when they can actually catch a storm!" He threw his arms out to exaggerate, subconsciously distracting (Y/n) from the dirty looks she was still receiving, "I bet you and him would get along well, he's a pretty fun guy, though he can be a bit of a flirt when it comes to women. But hes not as fun and manly as me though!" Kirishima punched his fists together and gave (Y/n) the best grin he could muster. 

"What are you guys blabbering about?" Bakugou's grumpy voice interrupted the conversation and he stared at them with an annoyed look. His arms were crossed over his chest, accentuating his large muscles.

"We were just-" (Y/n) began when Bakugou cut her off.

"Rhetorical question, I don't care." He was blunt and to the point, as he looked down at her with his glowing red eyes, "They're here, I can see their ship." Bakugou turned to look at Kirishima, a hint of jealously in his gaze that was quickly washed away as soon as he turned back to motion towards the docks. There were many boats, ranging in all shapes and sizes; tiny fishing boats to large cargo ships. There were vendors lining the docks, men hauling barrels, and people pulling in large nets filled to the brim with fish and other sea creatures. 

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