Blocked From The Cock: By France

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So where were we??? Oh right! So, China confessed to America.

He also kissed him in the process.

America P.O.V.

China's kissing me? I asked myself silently. His lips are soft a donut? I didn't wanna part from him, it was so nice. He also said he loved me, what a surprise, I didn't think China liked me much at all. I closed my eyes and let China continue to kiss me. But then I thought about something, Japan. I was gonna call him or some shit a second ago, but now I really don't know what to do. Japan licked me and China kissed me, this is confusing...

What am I gonna do now?

China P.O.V.

I kissed him, I KISSED HIM. How stupid am I? But America, didn't protest, In fact he slightly kissed back. After a while I stopped, and looked into his blue eyes. Oh his eyes were beautiful, they were like tiny lakes, clear and pure. His glasses were slipping off and he was blushing deeply. I felt my face grow hotter as I looked at him, he was so cute. 

"Um...I..." I said, my face was burning at this point.


Silence, nothing but silence filled the room. I was so scared, what was he gonna say?

" that...was surprising..." He finally spoke

"Um...I'm sorry for doing that....I feel so embarrassed now!" I yelled covering my face

"Hm? Oh there's nothing to be embarrassed felt nice..."


"Yea! I never kissed anyone with such soft lips"


There was another wave of silence that lasted about ten seconds.

"And...I love..." He was about to say, but suddenly the phone rang

"Oh hold on" He got up and walked to the phone. He picked it up and immediately I heard yelling. Though he was too far away for me to hear who it was, I did see that America looked confused.

America P.O.V.

When I answered I heard the distressed yelling of, France.


"Dude, what are you talking about?"

"You can't get with China, you just can't! I know he has soft lips but you can't let that persuade you!"

"Huh? How did you know..."

"Shhh...shhhhh, just listen to me, you and China don't have the same connection you and Japan do"

"How do you know what connections I have with people" I said, really annoyed at this point

"I mean, you and China have an unstable relationship already...I don't think it's a good idea to be with him romantically..."

I thought about this for a moment, and was about to agree with France but still, China seemed really serious and REALLY passionate when he said he loved me. But me and Japan were really good friends already. 

"Great, thanks France, now I'm even more confused then before"

"I'm sorry..." 

I hung up on him, and looked back at China. I took a deep breath and walked over to him. 

"Soooo...I really like you...but I think I need some time before I can say 'I love you'" I said

"But you were just about to say it" He said with an annoyed face, though it was kinda cute.

"I know but I'm just kinda...confused at the moment...there are some things that I need to think about"

"What kind of things?" 

"Just...things" My eyes drifted to the notes I had written for my phone call with Japan, and China seemed to notice.

He got up and swiftly grabbed them off the coffee table, reading through every single one. His eyes grew angrier and angrier every time he flipped to a new note. He through them back on the coffee table and looked at me.

"So 'things' must mean JAPAN!" He yelled

"Well...yea...I mean you saw what he did last night...I wanna talk to him before I do anything else..." 

China looked me in the eye, but his face grew less angry.

China P.O.V.

I looked at America, and was about to blow up in his face but when I saw his innocent eyes, I just couldn't. 

"I understand..." I said and let out a small sigh

"Thank you" He said as he hugged me, it wasn't strong like the hugs he gives his friends, but gentle and kind. I love him so much, I will have to pay Japan a visit later, and try and figure out who was on the phone with America. They clearly had something to do with his sudden change of emotion...they WILL REGRET it.

France P.O.V.

I sat in my 'America surveillance room' watching China kiss him.

"OH NO NO NO, this isn't good at all..." I said to myself. "America and China would not make a good match, I need to stop this"

I went over to my phone and called America before anything else happened....but I must admit I wouldn't mind toooooo much...

*After phone call cause I don't wanna write that bs in France's P.O.V.*

America hung up on me, I felt a little a unicorn who found a new friend, only to realize they were a poacher...yea that makes sense.

Speaking of unicorns

"Well well well...looks like I'm not the only one with an 'America surveillance room'" I heard the British voice of my friend-ish rival thing.

"Hmph...why do you care!?" I turned dramatically

"Because..." Britain's eyes went dark for a moment as he looked to the ground. He looked so evil, so menacing. 

"BECAUSE I SHIP AMECHU! AND I WON'T LET YOU INTERFERE WITH YOUR WEIRD ASS AMERIPAN BULL SHIT!" He yelled, his voice cracking like a teenage boy. "I raised America, so I should get what I want!"

"That doesn't make sense! You can't control the flow of love!"


We continued to argue for almost an hour until Britain got tired and went home. He is obviously. going to try and get America to choose China...I must supply Japan with the means needed to get America.

Hewo Hoebags :3

Didn't think I'd update so quick did you! Anyways I swear I'll change the goddamn cover for this story soon..

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