"I love you..."

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The next morning, America, after eating breakfast of course, decided to call, France.

France P.O.V.

As I posed outside on my balcony with a freshly poured glass of wine in my hand, I heard my phone ring. I knew who it was, after what had happened last night I was expecting a call.

"Hello, America" I answered

"Um, hi, France...I was just calling to ask-"

"For romantic advice? well first of all you have to-"

"Wait, how did you know that's why I was calling?"

"Um...no reason, anyways I can help you"

"Okay...great, what do you do when your friend starts licking you?"

America, can be very direct I thought. "Well that just means they want to get...*licks lips* H O T with you"

"...I kinda knew that, but what should I do?"

"Well...the best thing you can do is listen to your heart"

"You sound like a Disney film" He laughed

"Yes I know, but sometimes if you can't figure things out, let your heart take the wheel"

"Wow thanks France"

"No problem, America"

"Well bye, talk to you soon" He said and hung up

I am such a good man, beautiful and smart, I don't think there's anyone who could match my wisdom and charm.

America P.O.V.

I took a moment and looked out the window, the sky was blue and it was peaceful. I contemplated calling Japan, and asking him about last night, but I didn't want to make it sound weird. So for the first time in a long time, I sat down and actually took notes and wrote down stuff to say. When I finally went back over to the phone, I heard a loud knock on my door.

"Hello!" I answered happily

"Hello, America" It was China, I wasn't expecting him to come back so soon.

"Oh, hi China, how are you?" I asked but he didn't reply, he simply put his hand on my chest and pushed me back into my house.

"Uh?" I said, confused. He pushed me down onto my couch and stood over me. There were no lights on in my house that morning, just the dim morning light shining through the closed blinds. I began to sweat, why was China staring at me like this? Did he just technically break in since I didn't say he could come in? What the fuck is going on?

"America, listen to me" He said in a soft yet slightly deep voice


"About what had happened last night...I apologize for coming in your house without your knowledge...but I just couldn't take it..."

"Take what?"

"Seeing Japan, do that...that stuff to you!"

"Why do you care?"

"Because America! I-"

China P.O.V.

I couldn't take it anymore, what happened last night was too close. If I don't confess now I may never get the chance to.

"I love you, America" I said, a bit of sweat falling from my face "I have for a while" My face was starting to blush like crazy, I can't believe I did it i should have waited, no if I done that I could lose him to, japan

America laid there silently for a moment, then he opened his mouth to reply. I began to freak the hell out, what if he didn't care, what if he rejects me? What if he says I'm old? I randomly grabbed his face, and kissed him. 

Oh god what am I doing? I thought to myself.

Hewo Hoebags :3

Again, I apologize for not updating in so long, I'm working on the next part right now, Thank You uwu...

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