Britain Fucking Pops Off On America

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America got in his car and somehow drove to England. When he got there he knocked loudly on the door to Britain's home. He heard some movement from behind the door and a few voices talking to each other. The door opened to reveal the strangely smug looking British man.

"Come on in, America" Britain said warmly.

America P.O.V.

Britain let me in and I noticed how all the curtains were closed and there was only a small lamp in the back lighting up the whole living room. Britain took a few steps forward towards his couch and patted the seat next to him. I walked over and sat down.

"So what did you need me for?" I asked

"Hmm? Oh right, I needed you to help me clean my attic!"

"Whhhaaaaaaaaatttttt!?" I said, really annoyed

"I know I know, but It's just wayyyyy to much work for one person and besides it won't just be you, I invited someone else!"


"You'll see when we get up there"

Britain pulled down a latter that lead to his attic, I carefully walked up behind him and looked around. His attic was really big, I was not expecting that. 

"Ahem, we're here so we can start!" Britain called out

"Okay..." I heard a familiar voice reply, it couldn't be...this was gonna be an awkward cleaning session. I turned and saw him, China, walking out from behind some old cardboard boxes.

"Ah-a America? I totally wasn't expecting you" He said, I noticed Britain give him some un-readable glare and China cleared his throat.

"We should get started, this place looks like shit" China said, and once again Britain glared at him.

As we began cleaning the old attic, I noticed Britain and China making a lot of eye contact and weird faces towards each other. I went to pick up a nearby vase and put it into the box Britain labeled "fragile" when I felt myself slip on a loose piece of bubble wrap. I nearly fell on my nose and easily could've broken it if it weren't for China catching me. The vase left my hand and broke on impact, Britain let out a shriek of utter horror.


"I'm really sorry dude, I didn't mean to drop your-" I was cut off by the wild howls of the angered British man.

"DAMMIT AMERICA, BE MORE CAREFUL DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT COSTED ME? I SWEAR IF YOU EVEN THINK OF LAYING ONE OF YOUR BLOODY MOLECULES UPON MY BEAUTIFUL VASES AGAIN I WILL CUT OFF YOUR FINGERS AND EAT THEM WITH SUCH PLEASURE OFF THE BEST AND CLEANEST PLATE IN MY KITCHEN AND MAKE SURE I LICK EVERY SINGLE BLOODY ATOM OF YOUR NO LONGER EXISTENT FINGERS OFF OF IT AND-" I closed my eyes after the first "bloody" that came from the Brit, but when I heard silence I opened them to see China holding Britain in the air and throwing him out of the attic, he then ran over and pulled the latter into the attic and and closed the door thing. China looked at me with a serious look in his eyes, and before I knew it he pushed me down onto the attic floor and kissed me. Once again I just let it happen, because why not?

Hewo Hoebags :3

It's been awhile, I say that a lot, I know this is most likely the shortest chapter I've made but I needed to make another one to make sure I didn't forget about it '-'

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