Poem 2

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Some parts of the text have been ommited...

The bilayer of existing

There are silent cries
No tears, no noise, no heavy breaths
Yet inside your head you're screaming
Because everything that can cause pain does
Every reason to live life is a curse
So you end it

But the prayers of a past life
Bring you back- each time
A mercy you once praised suddenly you won't allow it to bring you joy
Because pain is all you know
It's the cradle from where you won't leave

It is only when you see this
That you realize what you've become
Then the tears well up and drown your vision
Till the tub is full and you've done one thing with your life:
You've faced and conquered your fear of hell.


Good day! So the 10th is finally  here. I'm so excited and am thrilled that you've joined me on this journey, so here's how its going to work. The book is available for sale on Amazon  (unfortunately not shipping to South Africa as yet) however I encourage you read the couple of poems, I am publishing here before making your purchase. It's going to be a fun week. Do subscribe to my blog (link in bio) for more stories, backstories, updates and all the juicy deets on where my ideas come from! Love you all, hope you're staying safe!

Xx -Beloved

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