We're Off To Kidnap Baby Hitler

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[Chapter 24]

"Come on now, get up," Rip walked into the room that was currently keeping me captive. I glare at Rip but I don't move or say anything. Rip sighs, annoyed. He reaches into his pocket and grabs my ring.

"Get up," Rip says and I'm forced to stand. "You're coming with us on a mission. We might need you."

"I'll pass," I sneer.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice. You will attend the mission and you will protect those who need your help. You will not harm or kill your teammates," Rip commands me and I glower at him.

"Whatever happened to free will?" I yell.

"Well when you threaten to kill us all, you don't really get free will," Rip said opening the cell door. "Now off you go. The mission is waiting."

"You won't be able to control me forever Rip. The moment you slip up, I'll use it to end you. All of you," I promise and walk off to the fabrication room.


"The future, it's..." Stein starts to say as we walked through the Kasnia Conglomerate. 

"Fascinating," Jax said.

"Astonishing," Sara said at the same time and they laughed.

I heard Leonard groan softly as he trailed beside me. 

"Well, it was a 50-50 chance which one he'd choose," Jax joked.

"Actually I was going to say, 'Remarkable'" Stein commented. 

"Isn't it? 2147 was considered the world's zenith. All of these people have five good years to look forward to," Rip explained.

"Before what?" Leonard asks. 

"Before a ruthless dictator named Per Degaton comes to power, releases the Armageddon Virus and most of them end up dead," Rip explained.

"How terrible," I mutter sarcastically before we saw a robotic version of Ray's suit flying around.

"Is that my suit? That's my suit," Ray said confused before we saw a robber running with a stolen handbag. The robot shot the thief down. 

"You have been identified as violating Ordinance 12," The robot said. 

"That is how Per Degaton's father, Tor maintains order in Kasnia," Rip explains. 

"Doesn't look like progress to me," Leonard muttered. 

"Speaking of progress, we need to get a better lay of the land," Rip stated. 

"And I need to get a better look at how they made my suit autonomous," Ray added. 

"Well, why don't you take Sara, Martin, and Jax with you? Isabelle, Mr. Snart, and I will work on locating Savage," Rip said. I roll my eyes angrily and huff. 

"Tor Degaton holds daily meetings with his board of directors," Rip said as we arrived at the Kasnian Corporate Headquarters. 

"And it's open to the public?" I asked. "Course not. Just Kasnia's shareholders" Rip explained.

"I hate to break it to you, but we're not shareholders," I said sarcastically. 

"I'm more of a hard asset man, myself," Leonard joked before Rip put in fake contacts and walked over to the guard. Rip got his eyes scanned and was cleared to pass through. 

"You're clear to attend. They'll have to wait outside," the guard explained.

"Oh, no, this is my accountant, and she is my personal assist... bodyguard," Rip said looking over at me.

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