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Dear Andy,

         If you are reading this it means I have been gone for 2 years now. Robert called me morbid when I told him I wanted to leave letters just in case, but then I asked him what would he give to have one last message from his parents, or what you would give to have one more message from your mother and he said anything. So, he left me alone. I never told him I was writing a letter to you. He doesn't realize that I know the truth, that you Andrea Herrera are his one true love. I've thought about it a lot, about how that one summer changed everything. If your dad hadn't dragged you to Mexicali that summer, I have no doubt you would be Mrs.Sullivan, not me. I felt so guilty that July 4th, we had the perfect summer planned then your dad up and sprung that trip on you and, before I knew it, I was in love with Robert. I had done the one thing I promised I would never do. I took someone from you, or I thought I did. That August when you came home, I remember your dad taking us to one of the fire buildings. Him and Robert went to do something so, of course, I chose then to tell you. The look on your face when I told you... That was the moment I realized it wasn't just love you felt for him, it was a soulmate type love. It wasn't till a year later that I fully understood it all. I don't know if you remember but it was right after Robert lost his parents. I had tried so hard to get through to him, but then I heard the two of you on the deck. I realized that the two of you had such a strong bond... But I was selfish, instead of stepping out of the way I married him. But you, Andy Herrera, you forgave me. It's something I don't think I could ever do. If you're reading this, it means I've left my husband and daughter behind, and I've left you, my best friend, behind. At 5, I never thought the rough and tumble girl I met when her and her family moved in next door would become my closest friends, the thing 2 to my thing 1, as Robert always called us. Then we added that pissed off 15-year-old to our band of misfits, and we never really looked back, did we? I hope you don't let the sadness win. Just remember me and all of the fun we've had, the memories we made and the life we lived. When enough time has passed, you and Robert should move on together. I couldn't think of a better person to be Robert's wife and Emerson's stepmother than the one person who has been right there every step of the way. Robert will push you away but just love him, no matter how angry he makes you. Be that stubborn Andy I've had my whole life, and as for my sweet Emerson I couldn't think of a better mother for her than my best friend. One last thing Andy, don't be guilty or afraid of loving him. I had an amazing life Andrea now it's your turn.

I'll always love you,
Thing 1

Andy finished reading and only realized she was crying when a tear dropped on the page and blurred the 'E' in Claire's name. She heard footsteps coming so she quickly shoved the letter into the fire safety book by her bed and cleaned the tears on her face before Emery came bouncing into the room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Andy asked her.

"Yes!" They curled up in the bed and turned a movie on. They both fell asleep, but Andy woke up hours later to the alarm for the aid car. That is when she noticed that Emery was missing. She quickly looked for her in a couple places till she thought of the one place she knew she would be: the roof.

"Hey bug? What's wrong?" Andy asked sitting down beside her.

"I couldn't sleep so I came up here to think."

"What are you thinking about?" Andy asked wrapping the young girl in a hug.

"Mom, part of what cause the issues at school was we were supposed to do these papers about what our parents do for jobs." Emery said quietly.

"Did you ask the teacher if you could just do it on your dad?"

"Yes, she said no. So, I got into the fight to avoid the paper, but I still have to do the paper. I hate it Dede, I hate that she's gone, and I hate how alone I feel and how sad dad still is!" Emery said crying as Andy pulled her close, holding the young girl as she cried. About 30 minutes after Emery cried herself to sleep, Andy heard the door click open and close then felt a blanket being draped around their shoulders. She didn't have to look up to know it was Robert.

"I'll go put her in bed and be right back;" he whispered picking Emerson up. He came back to the roof a few minutes later and sat down behind Andy, wrapping his arms around her as she curled into his arms.

"What happened?" he asked quietly.

"Apparently, the main reason she got into the fight was because they had to write papers about both parents' jobs. Bug said she asked if she could just do it on your job, but was told no. Does the teacher not know the situation?" Andy asked

"She does, but she doesn't care. I've been thinking about trying to find her a new school or distance learning or something." He said.

"If you did distance learning, there would always be someone here to watch her when my dad won't be able to, plus dad's friend is still the chief."

"I said I was thinking about it, Andy, not a done deal." He said with a smirk as she turned in his arms to face him.

"I think it's the best option for her. I'll help too." She said has he started tracing the tattoo on her wrist, the same one he had on his shoulder, the one they had gotten with Claire when the girls had turned 18. It was the letters A, R, &C in a circle with the outline of Seattle in the middle of it.

"I'll call the school tomorrow. Um...Did you read the letter?" He asked quietly.

"I did. Did you ever read it?"

"Not yours, I had one too. It's actually why I chose to come home. If I'm honest Andy, I ran when Claire died because I was afraid." He said trailing off and looking away.

"Afraid of what Robert?" Andy asked putting her hand on his cheek, pushing his face to look at her.

"I was afraid of loving you, and then screwing it up. I couldn't think about what would happen if I lost you too. I've two women my whole life, Claire and you." Robert said quietly as Andy leaned closer to him.

"I love you too Robert. I have for most of my life" Andy said as Robert closed the distance and kissed her. They both got lost in the kiss not realizing the door had been pushed open. They only noticed it when they heard it bang shut since it brought them out of the kiss. They both got up and made their way back in. Once inside, they understood who had been watching them since, on the ground, was the broken framed photo of Claire, Andy and Emerson.

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