Chapter 8-Fights.. and Ashley

Start from the beginning

I ran up to my bedroom, and shut dyne door as quickly and quietly as I could cause knowing that if I made it the normal sound it will make my mom up and her asking you questions when your in the middle of a brake down isn't really a nice thing to imagine.

I ran to my bed not bothering to change cause I didn't have the energy to. And why would I still change if I will damp them anyway.

After what felt like hours of crying. I fell asleep with the thought...

I am a hopeless idiot...


I woke up my eyes having a hard time because of the light streaming from the window which was probably opened by mom to wake me up. I yawned then went to the CR, then I was greeted by a girl who looked like crap with a tear stained face... I wonder how I don't get bags under my eyes for sleeping late at night. And most of the time not having enough rest. Nah, why should I complain when it makes me look less like crap? I should even be thankful that I don't have them. Now, enough examining myself on the mirror, I am not one of the girls who looked at her reflection in the mirror way longer that usual criticizing every imperfection she has. Well, I am not like that, if you want to see somebody like that just look at Melanie and her minions.

Speaking of them, I don't understand why they wear their cheerleading uniform like every day... Oh!, yeah!, I am so stupid, of course they would almost do anything to show off their curves and more skin than necessary. So, all in all I call them the OW which stands for the 'Organization of Whores.'

Nah, brain stop thinking of that, it's worthless, like the OW will ever change anyway. So, instead of wasting your time with those whores instead focus on getting yourself washed properly... and dressing up so that you wouldn't need to run again to the bus stop or if Abby's car is already fixed, I'm sure she will pick me up if it is, oh yeah, I need to ask Abby on the car thingy cause I know she always have been a careful driver.... And if Abby will pick me up I don't wanna let her wait for me since she's already doing me a favor.

So, Taylor. When will you decide to just take a bath properly and stop that train thought of yours...

Oh! Yeah! Right! T., you need to focus on scrubbing and rinsing yourself instead of thinking about something else.

Minutes of ordering myself to focus on bathing later, I was done!

Okay, just need to blow dry my hair then tie it into a pony tail. Okay, don't mistaken me for those girls who care too much of their appearance but my hair really get's in the way, sometimes... And I blow dry it cause so that it won't get that mark when it's obvious that you are always tying your hair but I doubt they will notice cause for one no one even knows me in school maybe except for James and Abby and the entire senior year students as the laughing-stock. My points is nobody except them really knows me, in school that is.

And secondly it's not like I have the whole cheerleading team against me or con-Taylor, watching my every move...

Oh yeah they kinda are, you should've seen the way they were looking at me when I was with James... It's like any second when I was with him and if I try and make a move on him, not that I ever will, they were ready to shoot guns, daggers, knives, etc. at me and that's just crazy!

Note to self: Try and be more in the the background today cause this is your last year before you graduate and I am sure that you don't wanna be humiliated by the OWs and you don't wanna make a permanent dent on your records cause that will not look good on your college application, would it?

And besides that you don't wanna add to the a-month-of-detention Mr. Hothead gave you, right? And what will happen to all the hard work you've done to make that record clean and for you to keep that clean you should avoid trouble. And this is the longest note to self you've ever done! Did you even remember it all? Cause if you didn't I am going to write it down myself for you to remember!

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