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I got one my dress and the animals curled my hair. I was ready for the date. I hope it doesn't go wrong , we already had the bumpy road. I don't wanna make it any worse. I heard a knock on the door so I opened the door.

"You look wow!"

"Ha. So do you Big Mac. I was thinking we can go to Hall of Oats for dinner?"

"Yup. Sounds like a plan!"

"Well , let's go."

We drove a taxi to Hall Of Oats. This was not my dream date , but at least I'm with my dream man. In the taxi we talked about are day and what not. Big Mac looked nice today. I looked okay. Hall of Oats is not the "fancy" resteraunt , but we didn't have time for reservations. I should have planed this out. It doesn't have to be perfect right? Its just a first date. What could go wrong? Heehee.......

We where finally at Hall of Oats and me and Big Mac got out of the taxi.

"Let's go."

"Yup." I said smiling.


We we got inside I saw 5 ponies that I really didn't wanna see tonight. But there they were sitting at their table waving at me and Big Mac.


Authors Notes

Sorry its short. I might update chapter 7 today or tomorrow. Thanks guys. And wow! 202 view!! I'm so shocked thanks guys!!

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