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I only said no because I want to surprise him. I wanted to ask him out. I wanted to see that big smile on his face. I was gonna do it , but not today. Maybe next week.

This whole entire week was boring and I was always thinking about Big Mac. Big Mac. Tomorrow I would ask him our. I've waited and tomorrow is the day. I had a dress picked out and my hairstyle picked out. It was gonna be perfect...if he says yes. I hope he will.

I went to his house with heart in my hand and knocked on his door. He opened the door with another pony there. "Hey Fluttershy this is my girlfriend Seabreeze." Big Mac said. I trembled and ran away. I cant beleive him! I thought he liked me not whoever Seabreeze is! Im so sad! Applejack came after me.

"What where we're you gonna ask him?"

"I was gonna ask him out until I saw him with his new girlfriend."

"I'll tell you why this happened. He would toatlly say yes if you asked him. But he is compilated. He was SO sad that you said no that he found a girl to make you jelous. I'll fix it I swear. Then you'll be happy! I just love love dont you?!"

"Um. Thanks Apple Jack."

I left sort of mad a Big Mac , but I still love him.


Authors Notes:

Fianlly done with chapter 4! Only took forever! Thanks guys! Chapter 5 will be coming up! Things will get pretty weird from here so get ready!

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