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I was walking home thinking That pony may have been cute but he has no manners , no wonder he needs that book. He ran into me and never said sorry. I was just about home when Apple Jack ran up to me looking like she had something important to say.

"Guess what Fluttershy!"


"My big brother likes you!"

"Your big brother.....BIG MACINTOSH!?"

"Yup that's him."

"I--I don't know what to say!"

"Well! Do you like him!?

"Well. A little , but he has no manners what so ever!"

"Manners? Why Fluttershy he the nicest guy I know!"

" Yes he is nice , but he has no manners is what I'm trying to say."

"I can't believe you think so low of my brother who acutely likes you!"

"Applejack I'm sorry , but"

"No buts I'm leaving."

What did I just do?! I am suppose to be nice t friends. At least I was telling the truth. I continued to walk home until Rainbow Dash came darting out of the clouds.

"Wow , you two had a big fight!"

I really did not wanna talk about it so I darted home and locked my doors.

At home I had my bunny , Angel standing at the door. I smiled at him and went to the couch and layed down on the couch. Thoughts where racing through my mind. Do you like Big Macintosh? Do you wanna go out with him? Yes a little , but I can't hr is my friends brother it would be weird. You can secretly go out with him you know? Great then I can teach him manners and we can go out! Perfect!

I ad everything planned out that tomorrow I would ask him out. And everything would be perfect. At least I hope my darn shyness dies not get in the way.

Fluttershy and Big MacintoshNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ