"Oh, Coco Pops is still your favourite, right?" I questioned, not understanding why he was giving me that weird look. 

"Yeah, I'm just shocked you remembered," He said, but it was hard to make out exactly what he said, because his mouth was already full of the chocolate cereal. I rolled my eyes at the mess he was making and sat opposite him on the table. "Why didn't you want to come then?" Justin said in between mouthfuls.

I swallowed the chocolatey goodness, and looked up at Justin. "I didn't want to come because I didn't want to intrude on your new life. I mean, I would just be a distraction, and I guess I didn't want to turn up and for you to turn me away like I hung up on you, all those years ago." I said, my voice thick and using all my will power not to break down yet again. I wanted to add the fact that I didn't really want to see him playing happy families with Selena either, but I didn't want to give away my jealousy. 

Wait, did I just say that? I am not jealous of Justin and Selena. It was my decision to let Justin go. I do not feel jealous. 

Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

"You're not distracting me, you caught me on one of my very few weeks off." He gave me a weak smile. If I knew Justin, and I did know Justin, I knew something was up. There was also that time where I asked him how fame was and he changed the subject and walked out of the room. Curiosity built up inside me. But, I couldn't just confront him anymore, we hadn't talked in three years before yesterday, so I doubt he'd be relaxed to tell me all his problems. "I would of never have turned you away either, it was my fault everything fell apart, so I never expected one day you'd turn up on my doorstep, interrupting a great round of Call of Duty."

"None of this was your fault." I said, now just mixing the coco pops that were left in my bowl.

"It wasn't yours either." Justin said in a low voice, but not low enough for me not to hear.

"If it wasn't my fault, who was it?" I asked with my eye brows raised.

"It was- ah. Never mind." Justin said, which could have two possible meanings. Either one, he proved my words right, and that it was my fault, or either Justin knew something I didn't, which indeed broke our friendship apart. "Come on, go get ready, I'm taking you to the best ice cream place in the world." He said, interrupting my train of thought.

"What? This place can't be better than the ice cream parlor in Stratford." I insisted, remembering all those times Justin and I spent eating the ice cream they sold there. I would always buy mint chocolate,  while Justin would get the cotton candy flavour. I wonder if things have changed...

"Oh trust me, the cotton candy flavour is the best I've ever tasted." He said with a wink. Maybe somethings don't change. "I even tried the mint chocolate one and that ones pretty lovely as well, so come on." I couldn't help but beam at him. Even he remembered what my favourite ice cream was. It was understandable for a normal girl to still remember things about her first love, but an international super star is another story. Guess there is more Justin, than celebrity than I feared. Running back up the stairs, all I was thinking of was which topping I should put on my ice cream. Chocolate sprinkles, or chocolate chunks. Even in Stratford I could never make up my mind...

Only You Shawty. A Justin Bieber Romance.Where stories live. Discover now