But being Jennie, she got paranoid again she remember Irene's Snobby.

She's still suspicious, but she can't find any evidence that Lisa and Irene are dating, she can't even asked Lisa about it.

In the living room Eleonor saw them laughing, she saw Jennie and Jiyoung laughed loud because of Lisa.

She sighs before heading outside the Mansion.


In Jennie girls night out, Wendy excused herself for a while, she's going to get her phone in the living room to take a selfie when she saw Kuma running, she followed Jennie's dog to play with but Kuma went to the kitchen.

Curiosity hit Wendy, Kuma stopped and start scratching a suspicious door at the end of the kitchen, Kuma wants to get inside.

"Kuma what's in there?" She picked up Kuma in the floor and about to open the door to check but she got startled when Jennie's brother spoke.

"What are you doing?" He coldly asked while petting a cat in his arm.

Wendy stutter, she can't find the right words to say. Few more seconds Wendy heard car engine sound behind the said door.

Someone is clearly inside.

"That's a room refrigerator, maybe Kuma wanted to eat something"

Wendy nodded, she apologized and excused herself. But the fat cat Jiyoung was holding is kinda familiar to her.

She wonder where she saw that cat before.


Irene happily sitting in the corner of the pool  while exchanging messages with Lisa, Wendy sit beside her still thinking about the door strange door in the kitchen.

"Joohyun, I think something is off in this mansion. Have you seen the door in kitchen?"

Irene paused for while and looked at Wendy before answering.

"Jennie told me it's a room refrigerator. It's been there for almost 10 years Wendy. What are you curious about?"

"I heard car engine inside, there's no way you'll hear that in some room refrigerator"

Irene looked at her Wendy, she's a bit reddish right now, she remember Wendy almost emptied the bottle of fruity punch. "You're just drunk" she replied.

"You think so?"

Irene tap Wendy's shoulder and laughed. When Seulgi join them.

Yes, Jisoo and Wendy told Jennie to invite Seulgi as they missed their bear friend.

Irene didn't complain, she's just being civil to Seulgi, she didn't mention it to Lisa either she doesn't want to get Lisa jealous. But since the day they talked outside the restaurant Seulgi messaged her every other day saying have a nice day and stuff.

"Aren't you guys gonna swim? You've been on your phone since you arrived Joohyun."

"She's been like that for months now, she's talking to Snobby for sure" Wendy teased.

It's been like that for a month now, they always tease Irene what's happening between them. Asking Irene if they knew this "Snobby" She's texting every damn time.

They even tease Irene when they saw her buying stuff that's isn't her style.

Clearly it's for Snobby.

"Snobby" Seulgi curiously asked.

"Oh gosh Wendy, here you again. We are not in Morocco anymore" Irene laughed.

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