class #6-f.f.

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so I know its been awhile since I've posted anything on here well first off I've been busy and second off has to deal with today's lesson...its a little thing I like to call f.f. aka fucking finals. 

Finals are typically not something you deal with until you reach high school, at least that's how it is at my school. For those of you that don't know what those are first of all you're lucky, secondly finals are a big test or project at the end of a semester that are 15% of your final grade for each class and all of them are in the last week of school.

In my case this is my f.f. week. 

I have so much to do its not even funny. 

So here's tip number one, don't under any circumstances procrastinate (to the best of your ability that is). Procrastination is my worst enemy during this time. As soon as a teacher gives you the final WORK ON IT DON'T WAIT AND SAY YOU'LL DO IT LATER TRUST ME YOU'LL REGRET IT

Tip number two, don't panic take a deep breath and relax for a second. Sure the final is worth a lot of your grade but a B or C won't kill you, neither will a D or F. If you kept a good enough grade all quarter that is. 

Tip number three, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IF IT IS A GROUP PROJECT DO YOUR PART AND LISTEN TO YOUR PARTNER(S) because a lot of teachers will make part of the grade a group evaluation where your group members give you a grade, but that shouldn't be all your motivation because its also just plain rude to expect your group to do all of the work.

Tip number four, manage your time. This is probably one of the most important. I can not stress it enough, if you don't may the final gods have mercy on your soul. 

so good luck to all of you that have finals

*does the district twelve salute*

what is sleep



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