The 1975

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Lights, music, the rush. The feeling of being alive. What a concert is for. That is what these boys have wanted to do forever. Perform, make music, have a fun time. The downside of what came with that was the fame, neither of which any of them wanted. They were not in it for the fame or the money, they just wanted to turn their hobby into something they could do 24 hours of the day. Music.

The previous night, headlines had hit all major media sites. "Taylor Swift's new boyfriend, Matt Healy!" They all read. Rumours.

"Who the fuck is Matt Healy?" Matty thought to himself, he just sighed and shook his head. What more could he do? He was not dating Taylor Swift, nor could he imagine that. He tried to distract himself, from all the texts from girls and boys he used to go to school with.

"Dude? It's James! Remember me? Heard your with Taylor Swift?" All his texts he had received that morning, all from unknown numbers were too similar, all with different names. None of them cared back in senior school, suddenly they're a well known, talented band, touring and partying with Taylor Swift. Now they want to know him.

He exited his texts, and decided to kill the time of being alone on twitter. The only thing that bothered him more than the rumours, would be that whole "Matt" thing. Who the fuck is Matt? Matty decided to tweet it. He was known for saying his opinion and not holding back, that's why people loved him. Not like Igloo Australia, or anyone like that who did not speak up on topics, Matty did, despite the hate he got for it.

Hours had past, of Matty trolling through twitter. He checked out a few fan accounts, accounts that were also dedicated to different body parts of his. He found them weird, but interesting. They were entertaining. Passed time, until their concert that night.

~ ~ ~

All he remembered was falling. It was probably the drinks, or the drugs. He remembered smelling George. George smelt nice. He remembered laying on a sofa bed. That also felt nice. He remember hearing Ross shout for Adam. And hearing John's whistling. Everything felt familiar to him, like home. Only, that was the problem. He had moved out and started touring, his home was the road, was the fans, the music, these boys. Last year, he had missed his own mum's wedding, and has only come home for four days over christmas.

He remembered mentioning home, and then he remembered that all these flashbacks had also occurred on stage that night. He had spoke about them.

"Shit." Matty said to himself, placing his hand on his forehead. He felt a cold, wet flannel on there.

"What?" He questioned, sitting up slightly. He used the very small amount of energy he had to prop himself up. His home was these boys, and the boys also thought of him as his home.

It made him sad, slightly. Sure, he had close friends who were also his band members. They, who he considered his family. He missed his real family. He was afraid that one day, this new family of his could fall apart and break, and he would be left all on his own again.

He was scared that his home was people, not a place.

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