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"Do we really need to do this?" The orange girl asked the man seated in front of her in a skeptical manner.

"Yes, obviously." He answered shortly, without giving a single emotion on his attractive face, making the lady cross both her arms and legs thinking if this is the same shy boy she first meet.

"Hmm? Care to elaborate then?" She leaned closer to the table enough that she's sure the man could see her cleavage.

"I have a reputation to keep, and no matter how secret this service of yours is, I have to make sure." He said looking straight at her not wanting but at the same time wanting to look a bit down.

She smirked and let a scoff out leaning back at her seat, seeing he's not like the other men she came across with.

'I wonder when his limits end?' She thought whilst looking over the contract in hand then putting it in the table once she finished reading.

"So basically, I can't tell anyone about our agreement?" She said noting the the sub contract with 'Non-Disclosure Agreement' written bold in it.

The man nods taking his coat and tie off and unbuttoning a single button in his white shirt, knowing that this talk would take more time than he thought.

"I can't go out of the country?" She continued taking the sight in front of her knowing that this will be worth her while.

"For safety reasons."

"And I can't go out with someone?"

He nods again, "yes, another safety reason."

"What's in it for me besides the money?" She bargained.

He raised his brow at the vixen, "what do you mean?"

"Well," she started, "our agreement is different from the others, especially since I can't end this before a year or both of us agree to it."

He began thinking, "alright fine, I'd add 10% to the money, and a better apartment than... this."

She looked around her apartment, yeah this is shitty.

"And groceries are on you."

He scoffed, "I already added 10% can't that buy you more than enough food?"

"I'm lazy to go on grocery stores and if you say yes, I'd cook for you whenever, I'm a great cook." She smiled sweetly at him before she stood up.

"Fine." He was desperate to have this agreement and a little grocery won't hurt.

He piled the papers, "I'll have this revised then we could sign it."

He was gonna stand up when the woman he talked with just now pushed him down on his seat before sitting on his lap straddling him.

She brought her forefinger on his chin then she traced his jaw line in a seductive manner.

"Good, then how bout we start before you leave."

He didn't even have the time to answer as she smashed her luscious lips on his.

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