"So your Jisung... it's nice to finally meet you. You turned out very handsome. Are you feeling alright?" The unfamiliar man who was Jisung's dad smiled to his son.

Jisung didn't smile back since he was more angry than anything.

"Why did you leave my mom?" He wanted to get straight to the point, desperately wanting to know.

His dad let out a sigh before speaking, knowing his son was wanting to know.

"I'm sorry for not being involved in most of your life... when I found out your mom was pregnant with you.. I panicked. Your mom was only 16 and I was 20 almost 21, I know it was dumb of me to leave your mother all alone to raise a kid. I was selfish and wanted to live my life to the fullest before settling down, both of us were to young to be parents, especially your mom. I was terrified I was going to be a terrible father since I was still young and dumb. I was a broke college student who kept making stupid decisions. Through the years I knew I wanted to meet you some point in life when I was ready and stabled. I'm sorry Jisung I really am I regret not knowing my own son. I regret not being there for you. I know your furious with me because I know I would be if this happened to me but, I would like to be in your life again if you'll let me." The man was sincere and apologetic, he was afraid what his son would do or say.

Jisung didn't except his dad to feel the way he does, he didn't know if his dad was truthful to his words but he felt he could trust the strange man.

"Would you even accept me for who I am?" The younger boy's eyes became glossy but he held in his tears.

"Of course. You seem like a good young man with great looks." The man chuckled at his own words which Minho didn't dis agree, he was whipped for the smaller. "But the times your mom reached out to me through the years she told me how great of a young man you are. Your grades were good, you never got into trouble, and had a great friend group." He was quite proud of his son.

"Even if I am a bit still angry but I really do want you in my life and so does mom, you're a sensitive topic with her. She misses you.. a lot. And I wanna get to know you." Jisung uncontrollably let a tear slip from his eyes but then quickly wiping it as if it wasn't there before.

"I would like to get to know you too. I'm glad you'll let me into your life." His dad beamed a smile but Jisung was still not smiling.

"There is one thing I wanna know though... a-are you homophobic?" He nervously asked with worried eyes.

He knew how some people can be in Korea who didn't support the lgbtq community. And since he didn't know anything about his biological father he was scared to get to close then him finding out he was gay and not accepting him.

His dad was a bit taken back from the question since it seemed so random to him but he realized that his son might be apart the community.

"I don't agree with someone liking the same sex but I'm not one of those who would shame someone for liking the same sex. I might have different beliefs but if you are someone apart of that community I wouldn't discourage you from it. It's your choice to be with who you want." His dad sat on the side of the bed facing the younger.

"S-So you would be fine if I told you I was gay? You wouldn't leave?" His eyes grew with hope but still glossy.

"Like I said I may not agree but I would be fine as long as your happy and feel comfortable with yourself. I wouldn't leave my son just because he likes a guy, I'm trying to build a father and son relationship not ruin one." Jisung was glad to hear his dad would accept him for who he is and beamed a bright smile.

"There's that smile! You have your mother's smile!" His dad let out a chuckle. "So why don't you introduce your friend here, might of been awkward for him to just sit and listen to us."

"This is Lee Minho, my boyfriend." Jisung excitedly but nervously introduced his boyfriend to his dad.

"Nice to meet you Minho." He offered his hand to shake and Minho took it. "You're a handsome boy too, how old are you?"

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm 18 sir." The older boy bowed his head with a smile.

"He's polite too. Let me tell you something boy, you better not hurt Jisung or I'll come after your ass!" He squeezed the boy's hand tighter scaring the poor boy.

"Don't worry, I would never." Minho gulped nervously.

"Dad! Don't scare him off!" Jisung pouted as he watched them let go of each other's hand.

"You called me dad." His dad turned back to his son with a bright smile in awe.

"Of course, you are my dad." He lost eye contact as he crossed his arms.

"I wouldn't have except you to call me dad so soon though." His dad kept his smile on display.

"Well I did..." Jisung mumbled causing his dad to let out a chuckle.

"Alright, I should get going now. You should rest. Your mom will give you my number. Call me if you wanna talk. Bye Jisung." He ruffles the boy's hair.

"Bye." Jisung sent him off with a smile and his dad was out the door.

Jisung let out a big huff as he slumped into the bed.

"Your dad is kinda intimidating... but at least it went well for you two." Minho smiled at his beautiful boyfriend who also had a bright smile.

"I'm so happy right now!" Jisung shot himself up quickly causing him to wince at the pain.

"Be careful, you can't rip open your stitches. You stupid squirrel." Minho carefully pushed Jisung back to the bed.

"I'm your stupid squirrel." The older boy rolled his eyes at the younger.

"Yes you are. You're mine, baby." Minho leaned in for a kiss but was interrupted by the door swinging open.

"Jisung! You're awake! We were all worried!" The two boys's attention was at the door revealing a crying Felix with the rest of his friends behind him.


It's 5am for me I'll edit this later😴.

Hope y'all stay safe and healthy and have a great day!!! ~ 💜

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