Plz let go

107 11 4

Published 6/19/2020

Tell me what ya guys would like to see!! Give me some inspiration!

My brain could not comprehend what was going on. My body was squished between a wall and a large hard muscular body.

A rough hand was wrapped around my throat but not too tightly. I could still breath but it was a little hard.

Both of my hands were pinned against my back in his other hand.

There was no room between us, the only thing separating us was our clothes.

His body was warm against my skin and it sent shivers down my spine.

I was panting trying to calm my heart down, but it wouldn't listen. I was terrified right now.

The man I had brought home and pretty much saved held me up against my wall. He could do anything to me.

"Please" I begged as tears welled up in my eyes. I was shaking badly now.

"Who are you" his deep voice hissed into my ear. I could feel the stubble of his beard scratch against the side of my face.

I leaned as far away from him as I could, but his hand around my throat squeezed tighter. Gaining a whimper from me.

"I-i-im Ash-Ashleigh" I managed to get out.

"Hmmm, Why the fuck am I here" he hissed pressing his body even closer up against me.

"I-i f-found you hurt when i-i was walking home" I clenched my eyes shut trying to hold the tears back.

"You're the one who treated me" his deep raspy voice questioned full of curiosity. Not sounding as harsh as before.

I could only nod as my voice got stuck in my throat.

He pushed his body off of me and flipped me around so my back was now pressed against the wall. My eyes locked onto his face as I felt my world freeze around me.

Two beautiful ice blue eyes looked down at me. Tingles ran over my skin as goosebumps appeared.

His cold blue eyes scanned over my small frame as he towered over me.

No words were spoken between us. It almost seemed like time had stopped.

I flinched as his hand tightened around my throat.

"Who do you work for" his eyes were bright in anger.

I reached up and grabbed ahold of his wrist trying to free my throat.

"I-I don't k-know what you mean" a single tear slid down the side of my face.

His face morphed into one of confusion. His grip loosened on me and I could now breath normally. But he still held me against the wall.

"who do you work for?! Markus, Alex, Jace, Hayashi" he listed off names. His icy blue eyes locked with mine. Starring at me intensely.

"I-I have no clue who your talking about. Now please let me go" I begged him. I was truly and utterly terrified. This man could snap my neck with a flick of his wrist.

His face hardened and his grip tightened around my throat again. "If you don't work for them, then why the fuck did you help me" he growled at me.

I clenched my eyes shut tightly "what did you expect me to do! I couldn't leave a man dying in an alleyway" I pray to what ever god that was out there that this man would not harm me.

It seemed like my prayers were answered as the man released my throat and took a step back from me.

My hand immediately went to my throat as I started coughing. My eyes opened and i starred at the man fearfully. His blue eyes seemed to be taking me in. Like he was studying me.

"What did you say your name was suka" the man demanded.

"A-Ashleigh" I whispered watching him carefully.

"Hmm" he hummed then his eyes began to travel across my apartment.

" you could say thank you, ya know" I grumbled, feeling brave for once around this man. Only to soon regret it as his blue eyes snapped to me.

"You should thank me for not snapping your neck suka" he snapped at me causing me to shut up.

My mouth quickly shut and I looked away from him. Times like this I hated knowing other languages.

For a man who's life I had saved I didn't think he'd call me a Bitch.

"Where am I" he demanded walking over to my small old worn out couch.

"My apartment" I whispered slowly walking to my table. My eyes not leaving the man.

There was no way in hell I would turn my back to him.

"Where's ya phone? I need to make a call" his cold blue eyes glanced at me from my couch.

I looked away and down at the floor. "Don't got one" I shrugged hopping that he could not see through my lie.

He let a sigh of irritation as he glared at me. His large frame was leaned back and relaxed. He made my decent size couch look miniature.

he inhaled deeply as his eyes stayed locked onto my small form his jaw tensed as he clenched his teeth.

"i don't like being lied to....suka" he stated coldly.

My body went stiff. "i-im not lying" I stated trying to be confident.

"do you really think I'm that stupid girl? It's 2020 what kind of fucking New Yorker doesn't have a phone?!" he snapped the veins on his neck looked to be almost pulsing in rage.

I flinched at his raise of voice.

I twiddled with my thumbs in my lap.

"i-its true. I'm a librarian, any money I make goes to my rent and food" I sucked at lying but so far it looked to be going ok.

The man froze and then took his sweet time to thoroughly scan my small falling apart apartment.

My place was small and by small I mean small! It also had multiple problems, Even though it wasn't on the top floor there appeared to be water stains covering the ceiling along with what looked to be mold. The walls were covered in old wallpaper that almost seemed to be falling off the walls. The best thing about this apartment was probably the view it looked down the main street that was lit up constantly by lights.

But the windows always leaked and could never keep heat in, winter always sucked. I was sick most of the time.

The man slowly looked back to me after completing his scan.

They ran over my body seeing the old worn-out clothes I was wearing.

I glanced away from him.

"your telling the truth, aren't you" he mumbled.

I nodded yes.

He let out a sigh of irritation.

"there's a phone booth outside" I started. I was not trying to just get him out of my house but out of my life before he brought more problems for me.

I had a bad feeling though that it was already too late.

"Those things still around? Thought they didn't exist anymore" he commented with a raised eyebrow.

"not many do, but there's one right outside this building. I can give you whatever change I have so you can call someone" I nodded to my door glancing at my purse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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