
90 6 1

Published 6/4/2020


The sound of the elevator doors opening brought my attention away from the unconscious man.

I quickly glanced down the hall making sure none of my neighbors we're out. I can only imagine what they would think if they saw me dragging this giant of a man around.

I huffed as I grabbed the man's arms and slowly dragged him across the old tiled floors. He let out another groan as he was dragged.

I glanced over my shoulder looking for my apartment door.


Room 420.

I dropped the man's arms to the floor hearing them slap against the tile.

I fished through my purse looking for my keys. Feeling the familiar ring of metal I pulled it out and quickly unlocked my door.

Leaving my keys in the lock I grabbed the man's arms and dragged him through my door.

Man, I need to hit the gym more!

Once he was in my apartment I grabbed my keys from the lock and shut my door. Quickly locking it.

Glancing back over to the bloody man I raced to my bathroom looking for my first aid kit.

I grabbed a few towels and all my bandages before running back to my front door.

I dropped everything on my counter before making my way to the man. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to my table. Using all the strength I had left I lifted his upper body to lay on it.

I had managed to get his massive body on my table. I threw my coat and purse onto a nearby chair and pushed the sleeves of my shirt up to my elbows.

Thankfully I had enough medical knowledge to know what to do and how to treat his wounds.

I quickly undid all the buttons on his shirt trying my best to ignore his now completely exposed upper body.

I examined his wounds trying to figure out what would be the best way to treat them.

He had multiple areas of large bruising. Some small cuts and scratches here and there. He did have what looked like a knife wound on his arm and crossed his nose. But what worried me the most was the multiple bullet wounds. He had 5 total. 2 were in his shoulder, thankfully they seemed to have made a clean exit. while 3 were in his abdomen.

He's lost a good amount of blood and who knows how long he was out in the rain for.

I grabbed some alcohol wipes and cleaned around the wounds. I didn't want to risk an infection.

I about jumped 10 feet in the air when the man's body jolted and he let out a hiss of pain. But he was still unconscious.

Letting out a sigh I quickly got back to work.

Once I had the wounds cleaned I grabbed my tweezers and brought my lamp closer so I could have more light.

Glancing down into his wound I could see the shine of the metal from the bullet.

Thank goodness it wasn't as deep as I thought it was. I carefully removed it along with the other 2. He was a very lucky man.

Whoever shot him wasn't the best shot which was a good thing since none of the bullets hit any organs.

I set the bullets down on one of my towels and quickly got to work on cleaning and bandaging him.

He looked a little like a mummy once I was done. His abdomen was wrapped in clean white bandages that crossed over his chest and wrapped around his shoulder.

He also had a bandage wrapped around his arm where the large cut was. It wasn't too deep so it didn't require stitches. The cut across his nose also wasn't too bad so I just put a regular bandage on it.

But sadly for him, the only regular badges I had were hello kitty ones.

I let out a sigh and slumped against my counter my eyes running over the man on my table.

So many questions ran through my mind as I stared at him.

Who was he?

Who shot him?

Why was someone shooting at him?

What's going to happen when he wakes up?

Was the person who shot him still looking for him?

So many questions yet I had zero answers.

I started cleaning up all my supplies. But I stopped when I reached the bullets that sat on my old dirty towel.

I could see something engraved on them. Like a maker's Mark.

Not really caring about the dried blood on them I lifted one up.

Looking closer at the symbol I could make out the outline of a circle with a cross in the middle.

I walked over to my sink and ran the bullet under the water washing away the blood.

I could tell the bullet was from P-96 pistol. But wait..... That pistol was from Russia and almost impossible to get ahold of in the states.

I glanced over at the man on my table. What the hell did I just get myself into.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe this bullet didn't belong to a P-96 pistol. I could be wrong.

Glaning back at the bullet, I knew I was right. I just hopped that maybe, just maybe I was wrong.

But this bullet was identical to the one I saw in the book.

One day at the library I had found a book on Russian weapons. It showed how to take them apart and put them back together. It also showed the ammunition that was used for each gun.

Sometimes I hated myself for reading so much.

Once I put everything away and had everything cleaned up I dropped limply to my couch. I could finally feel how exhausted my body was.

Walking home in the rain and carrying a giant man was not an easy task.

I needed a shower and some new clothes. But I was to tired to bother with a shower.

I walked to my room and changed into a pair of loose black exercise shorts and a slightly to big blue hoodie.

IvanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon