The Organization.

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We got back to the apartment as the sun was going down. We had a blast walking around the mall area and we even got some new outfits.

"So.... how do we even get back to Ragnarok, it's not like I know how to fly or anything." I said, "And even if we get there, how are we supposed to defeat the Senate if you said that no one knows who they are."

"One question at a time," Sapphire said. "To answer your first question, I got us a ride.....of sorts. However, I can teach you to fly even if I can't. As for your other question, we have of friends in the organization that is working on figuring out who the Senate is. I have a feeling that they are of demonic descent."

"How can you tell?" Pearl asked.

"Well I don't know for certain but I'm pretty sure that someone of angelic descent wouldn't try to assassinate the queen." Sapphire was a little uneasy as if she knew someone who would.

"What about princess?" Pearl whispered.

I just barely managed to make out what she said and a chill went down my spine. I don't know why or how but I knew who they were talking about. I decided it was time to tell Sapphire about the strange dreams I've been having since I was a little boy. When I was younger I used to have nightmares and wake up to an even worse nightmare, my life. They were normal nightmares like, a monster in my closet that wanted to eat me, a giant bat chasing me down the street, and even going to school naked. They were normal dreams until I turned eight. On my eighth birthday, I had a dream of an older girl looking down at me. She looked about nineteen or twenty. She had brown hair like mine but much lighter skin. She wore a light grey shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. I felt like I was dying and I couldn't move but she just keeps looking and smiling. I don't know why I thought it was a nightmare but it felt so real that I thought I actually died. Then when I was nine I had a reoccurring dream of the same girl but this time she wasn't smiling. She hadn't aged a day so I knew it was the same girl. This time she was holding what looked like a giant wing that was ripped off a bird and thrown in a fire. It wasn't until last year on my sixteenth birthday that I got a new dream about her. This time she was angry and she was covered in blood and she had a glowing sword in her left hand. She still hadn't aged at all. She was running towards me with the sword but before she got to me I woke up. Tomorrow is my birthday and I know that I'm going to have a new dream tonight. I was afraid to tell them to girls but I knew I had to.

* * *

I had told the girls and they informed me that I most likely did see the princess. Apparently, the queen, my mother, had already had a daughter with another Seraphin, Micheal, but she was kidnapped at two and no one could find her. About two years later I was born and both kingdoms rioted. The princess still had not been found but rumors of her reappearance started floating around about nine years ago. If the princess truly was behind all this then she was most like planning to create a war between the three major races. If that were to occur then the destruction would be so devastating that it would carry over to the human's world.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. Bad enough I was expected to defeat this unknown Senate and rule over all of Ragnarok, but now I was going to have to fight a sister I didn't even know I had!

"Well if that's all what do we have to fear," I said sarcastically

"Actually there's more," Pearl said with a faint sound of sadness in her voice. "If you can't reclaim the throne and restore order by the spring equinox, then all of Ragnarok will fall to ruins and people will start evacuating to the human world."

"THE WHAT!!!" I screamed. "The spring equinox is only a couple months away and I don't even know everything that's going on anyways."

"Jake it'll be fine." Sapphire said trying to calm me down."We're going to go to the Organization and they'll fill you in on anything we forgot. You'll also get to learn how to fight from our top warrior Ruby."

Realms ApartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora