Sapphire's Wings

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We were about to leave when I asked her how she was able to hide her wings if she was really a Seraphin. I kept looking but I couldn't find them.

"It's simple. I just don't want anyone to see them so no one does. Only Beasts and Celestials can see a Seraphin's wings." She said.

"But if I'm half Seraphin and half Hellion than it would be easier for me to see them right?" I asked.

"Yes but if you do not believe that you truly are who you are then you lose control of all your powers." She explained.

"Fine if you say that I'm the actual ruler of the angels and demons"

"Hellions and Seraphins. Angels and Demons are crude depictions"

"Fine, Hellions and Seraphins. And that these otherworldly being actually do exist then I have no choice but to believe you. After all, it makes more sense than anything else I've heard", I said with a sigh. I still didn't want to believe, and I had half a mind not to but the other half seemed certain. Honestly, I really didn't have a choice. I didn't know anyone else and she knew my name, my REAL name. I had to believe her, if I didn't I would go insane. But it was hard. I finally had to give up, life isn't going to be any easier if I don't accept it.

"Good! Now then I need you to really believe in yourself." She said this as she turned around taking off her shirt.

"Wh-what are you doing?! Why are you taking your shirt off!?" I yelled. I quickly turned around because I didn't know what else to do. Something kept making me want to turn around and look even just for a second. I didn't though, I knew I would probably get slapped.

"What do you mean?" Sapphire asked. She started to walk over to me. "I took my shirt off so I could show you my wings. I would never try anything scandalous with you, my lord." She said this as she walked in front of me. Now I could see she was holding her shirt to her chest so I wouldn't be able to see her breasts. She turned around but I still couldn't see them.

"I still don't see anything", I said.,

"You aren't believing." She said. "You have to believe to see"

"But seeing is believing", I told her.

"Fine, I'll let you see that way you do believe." As she said this I saw her wings materialize behind her. One of her wings was beautiful like you would expect from depictions of Angels. It was large and white like a dove. Her other wing was completely different. This one was much smaller and it appeared to be badly burned.

"What happened to your wing!? I said alarmed. I had never seen wings beside my own before but I was certain that they weren't supposed to look like that.

"I was the one who argued with the Senate to find you. I was sure you were still alive but they said I was being foolish. I said that I would find you myself and they called me a traitor. They burned my wing and exiled me to Tartarus. I am part of an organization of exiles who are trying to return you to the throne. We have theorized that the real traitors may be the Senate themselves. They refuse to accept that you may still be alive and exiles anyone who wishes to prove them wrong." As she said this I could see a tear falling down her cheek.

I walked over to her and placed my coat around her. "Please don't cry. I believe you. This is a lot but I know you're telling the truth." Now that I saw her wings I had no choice but to accept everything. For some reason as soon as I accepted the fact that my life was a lie and that I was a king of a hidden world, I became extremely confident and I felt like I had always been their ruler. I was standing straight up and I felt like I was completely different from before. "If what you said was true and that humans won't be able to see my wings, then let's go. I have a world to show you!"

Sapphire smiled widely. She spun around fast and gave me a hug. She was still topless and at first, I didn't know what to do. I finally relax and hugged her back. She let go of me, ran over and put her shirt back on. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" She said. She grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the streets. The smile on her face seemed to brighten up my entire world.

I wish I could have helped you save her

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