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"i'm so glad you came. i love knowing that you're in the stands while i'm out on the field."

i glanced up at my boyfriend of a year and a half, hudson.

hudson carter. the most wanted guy in my whole town.

the only thing is, i never wanted him.

he asked me out and my friends pushed me until i went on a date with him.

we went out, kissed, started dating, and now here i am, still trapped in this catastrophe of a relationship.

sure, he's got a nice face. sure, he's got a division one scholarship to the university of georgia. sure, he buys me nice things. and sure, he shows me off all the time.

but he's a brat.

he rich, spoiled, greedy, hot headed and he's such a pig. i never loved him and i don't love him now.

i should've ditched this relationship a year and a half ago.

but i didn't.

because when he's around, i feel like everyone's nice to me.

it's just easier this way.

it's the summer before we both head off to college.

i'm committed to new york university. i've wanted to be an author for as long as i can remember and nyu has been my dream.

hudson wants to do long distance, but as soon as we head off to college, i'm breaking it off.

hudson is playing in a national tournament in myrtle beach, south carolina.

i didn't want to come.

but here i am.

here i fucking am wearing jean shorts, one of his old jerseys, and a pair of converse. here i fucking am pretending that i give two shits if he wins the stupid fucking baseball game.

here i fucking am, suffering when i should be having fun with my friends.

we left our hotel room, heading down to the lobby so we could drive to the baseball field complex.

i walked to the elevator with hudson, preparing myself to cheer all day and fake my smile.

the elevator doors opened and i suddenly realized i left the bag containing sunscreen, sunglasses, water, and snacks in the hotel room.

"hudson, i left the bag. i'll go get it, you go load the cooler and your bag into the car," i said, holding my hand out for the room key.

"ok, can you grab my sunglasses too, i think i left them?"


as soon as the room key was in my hand, i started towards the room, thankful for a moment alone.

i quickly walked back and grabbed our belongings before walking back to the elevator, seeing a boy already standing there.

he had silver hair, his brown roots were growing out. he was pretty tall and had some of the nicest looking biceps i had ever seen. he only glanced at me for a second, but his eyes were a beautiful shade of blue.

the elevator doors parted and he gestured for me to step in, so i did, him following behind.

"you going to the first floor?" i asked as i pressed the ground button.


his voice is so smooth.

we stood in silence as we descended from the twelfth floor to the first.

i watched the screen above the doors, watching the number go down.

the number switched from nine to eight, but stopped on eight as the whole elevator began to shake violently before completely stopping.

"what the hell?" i asked, looking around frantically.

"i don't know," the boy said.

he reached over and pressed the elevator call button.

within a few seconds, a woman came over the intercom.

"hello, what seems to be the problem?"

"hi, um...we're stuck on the eight floor," he responded.

"oh, we'll take a look and call you back."

it was an awkward, silent waiting game for about ten minutes before we got a call back.

"hello, i'm sorry to have to tell you this, but we have called maintenance and they gave us an estimated time of about four to six hours."

my heart stopped as i backed up, starting to freak out.

"just stay calm, we're going to get you out. call back if you need anything."

she hung up.

i stayed frozen against the wall.

"this isn't fucking happening," he said, ripping his fingers through his hair.

"yes it is."

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