Chapter 3. Not so happily ever after

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Present time

Athena's pov

I peeked out from the alleyway I was hiding in, hoping Artemis would come soon with food. I was thinking about what she would bring today, 'bananas? Apples? Or maybe a slice of juicy pork for us to share' Bringing food was Artemis' job. Since I'm a wolf, I can't just waltz around town and casually just steal some meat. At first, we tried hunting but since we were half animals... ya, it was a big NO NO. Just then, Artemis came running with a small basket full of apples. I was about to speak when I noticed the woman screaming behind her "Get that cat!" "that cat stole a basket with apples in it!" Just as I noticed they were getting closer, I quickly transformed into my human form and jumped out of the alleyway. I got into character and leaned against the building wall, trying and failing to be casual.

"Have you seen a black cat?" a woman asked me, you could tell she was frustrated and in a hurry.

"Actually, I have. It just ran to the park," I replied casually and shrugged a little.

The women ran to the park hoping to catch Artemis. I giggled slightly and looked at the little cat behind me with a smile. Artemis was using her powers to blend into the shadows making it almost impossible for people to notice her, her little crescent moon, glowing silver on her forehead. I went back into the alley and motioned Artemis to turn into her human form. In a blink of an eye, Artemis was already in her human form, she held the basket in her hand and brushed her silky black hair out of her face with the other.

"That was close" she huffed.

I giggled at her,"I think you're just losing your touch" I teased.

Arti scoffed and mumbled something about ungrateful friends.

Whatever. She loves me anyway.'

I stuck my tongue at her, and her being the mature person she is, she stuck her tongue back at me.

I gasped, "How could you!? That's my thing!" I pouted and crossed my arms.

'Artemis' eyes softened a little, "Let's go back and eat now okay?" she said with a smile.

My head shot up at the sound of food and nodded eagerly

She chuckled a bit at my behavior before starting to run to the forest, aka our home.

Author's note: if there's any mistake here, please feel free to comment on it and let us know!

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