Chapter 7 - We were so close

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After I'd come back I went to bed. I spent the next day just thinking about boring stuff and adding furniture to my palace. I lay on the bed, staring up in the ceiling and at the glittering drapes when I heard Jack's voice behind me.
"Who is that girl on the portrait?"
I sat up and looked at Jack who stood at the other side of the bedroom. He looked at a painting, made out of ice of course. I sighed. The portrait. I hadn't been able to erase it yet. "My sister," I said.
I stood up and walked up to him, "Yes, Anna."
"You miss her, don't you?"
I stayed silent.
"Yes! I do!" I exclaimed. "But there's no point in 'missing her' because she doesn't miss me!"
"How do you know that?" Jack raised his eyebrows.
"Well why should she? After everything I did to her?"
"Elsa, your sister.."
"Elsa?" I heard from the entrance room. "It's me, Anna."

I walked into the entrance room. Had Anna went here by herself?
Anna winced a bit when she heard me and looked up.
Elsa, wow," she said, "You look different. It's a good different! And this place's amazing."
I smiled. "Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of," I said, looking around the blue glittering room.
"Elsa, I'm so sorry, if I had known..."
"No, no, it's okay," I cut her off. "You don't have to apologize." Then I remembered myself and continued," But you should probably go."
"But I just got here!" Anna said.
"You belong down in Arendelle."
"So do you."
"No, Anna, I belong here. Alone, where I can be who I am....Without hurting anybody." I sighed and placed my hands on the railing to the big staircase. Anna was about to say something when I heard another voice from outside.
"Wait..,What is that?" I asked and a little snowman came jumping in.
"Hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs!" he said cheerfully.
"Olaf?" I remembered building a snowman the night I escaped from the coronation.
"You built me, remember that?" he asked shyly.
"And you're alive?" I gasped.
"I think so...?"
"He's just like the one we built as kids," Anna said, smiling at him.
Then I remembered. And now I had made him alive? I looked at my hands in amazement.
"Elsa, we were so close," Anna said. "We can be like that again."
I had a flashback again of the accident, and sadly shook my head. "No, we can't." I said and backed. "Goodbye Anna."
"Elsa wait.."
"No, I'm just trying to protect you!" I said as I ran up the stairs. Anna followed me up into the round room in the center of the house. "You don't have to protect me! I'm not afraid!" Anna said. Well, I was afraid.
"You don't have to keep your distance anymore, because I finally understand."
"We can down this mountain together! You don't have to live in fear."
I went out on the balcony. "Please go back home, Anna. Open up the gates and enjoy your life."
"I know! I'm maybe alone, but I'm also free. You'll do much better without me. Your safer in Arendelle." I went inside, and Anna followed me again. "You really don't know?" she gasped.
"What do you mean?" I said confused.
"There's a curse. Arendelle's in eternal winter."
"What?" I gasped in shock. It felt like my stomach turned and my emotions was starting to lose control, and so was my powers, because it had started to snow inside.
"But you could thaw it right?" Anna said a bit unsure.
"No I can't...I..I don't know how," I stuttered. I felt the cold feeling of my powers swirl inside me.
"I think you can!" Anna said. "Don't panic, we'll fix this thing together, you don't have to be afraid..."
It was starting to blow. Once again I couldn't control my powers, I couldn't escape the fear that welled up inside me.
"Anna, please, you'll only make it worse!!" I screamed.
"Believe in me! I know that you can reverse the storm!"
"You're not safe here!" I said, walking away, heading for the stairs.
But it was too late. An ice cold shockwave was released from my hands.
"Everything will be alri...." SHWAAAAAM.
Anna fell down on the ground, struck by my powers.

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