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Warning ⚠️: Hint of alcohol, marijuana
Enjoy! 💎




The feeling of being roughly shoved causes Olivia to wake up with a scare. She gathers her surroundings and realizes she is in her room, her green eyes then land on scared hazel eyes. Olivia furrowed her brows at her younger brother who was crouching near her bed, she was about to ask what was wrong when the sound of something breaking outside her door causes her to jump out of bed. Olivia quickly walks towards her door, but before she can place her hand on the knob a hand settles on her elbow. She looks down to see Jay beside her and looking up at her eyes with his pleading ones. It wasn't that he was afraid, hell, it surprises her how brave he truly was for a kid his age, but the look he was giving her had fear written all over it.

Olivia knew that Jay knew what their father did to her when he was in his mood. She knows he is not a little kid anymore who you can lie to, but at least she can lie to him about how much pain she rides with. How much fear she truly has about their lifestyle. How tired she really is. Those are the things she can honestly lie about, and it was easy to do it. Olivia may always have an escape route from their fathers explosive moods, but deep down Olivia knows one day she won't have one. When that day does come, Olivia will hopefully be ready.

"Stay here," She tells her younger brother with a firm tone before quietly slipping out of her room,

She quietly closes the door shut and walks down the hall. The closer she got, the more she was able to hear her fathers drunken state. It was one of those days. She honestly didn't know how he had the energy to wake up the next day for work, he was a mechanic and would deal with people and noises practically everyday. Olivia actually had to give her father some credit for having the strength to wake up in just a few hours and starting his day like any other day, if she was in his state she would have just called in sick and sleep it off the rest of the day.

Olivia leaned against the wall and slowly peaked her head to the side. Rudy leaned heavily against the counter with a whisky bottle nearly down his throat. Olivia watched in pure anger and disgust as her father drank the entire bottle. Just as he finished, he shamelessly throws the bottles against the wall, shattering it and causing Olivia to slightly flinch. She shakes her head at her deadbeat father before quietly walking back down the hall. When she walks into her room, she sees Jay sitting on her bed while playing with loose strings on her blanket. Olivia hates this life for them, for him, but soon she'll have a plan and they'll soon escape.

As she walked further into her room, she noticed how small light was beginning to shine through the curtains. She looks over to her clock by the night stand and gives a tired sigh when it read 6:00 am.

It was extremely early for her, but with the ruckus that her father is doing outside the door, sleep will definitely not be an option at the moment. Besides, at least this time she'll be early to school for the first time. Not that she actually cared. Telling her brother once again to stay put, she quietly leaves her room and stalks over to her brothers to gather fresh new clothes and his stuff for school. Walking back towards her room, she tosses his clothes and makes her way over to her own drawers. A simple army green shirt, black jeans and converse on her feet should do. After giving one another privacy to change, both of them leave through Olivia's window, neither of them wanting to deal with their drunk father at crack of dawn.

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